Lady Mito

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The look of rage slowly grew on the Anbus face as he starred down at the boy. "I don't have time to deal with a pathetic child like you-" his voice came out stern and with one swift movement, the Anbu kicked Sakichi in the side- hard enough to send him flying across the field. Slamming into a tree, Sakichi coughed up blood; the boy feeling himself get weaker and weaker due to blood loss. The Anbu walked over to the boy on the ground, spitting down at him. "You're not even worthy enough to call yourself a Senju." The Anbu looked down at the boy in disgust before he'd disappear off into the forest to search for Mitsuha.

The words echoed in his head, the boy panting and bleeding out on the ground. "I have to get.. to Mitsuha.." he groaned and weakly pulled himself to his feet. Beginning into the forest, the boys vision slowly became blurry; Sakichi being too stubborn to stop, insisted to keep going but a few moments later his body would give out on him- the boy passing out in the forest.

Bright lights shined down on the young Senju, familiar screams filling the air and startling Sakichi awake. 'what in th-' he groaned, taking notice that his arms had been strapped down to the table that he was laying on. The room all around him was white- resembling a hospital room. The familiar voice screamed out in pain once again, Sakichis mercury eyes darting towards the wall that seemed to separate him from the voice. "That's sounds like Mitsuha.." he muttered to himself, tugging at the straps that held him down. 'we must have got caught by the mist.. I have to figure out something to get us out of here..' his mind seemed to be going a hundred miles a minute. The likelihood of the two genins escaping a whole village by themselves seemed very low or even impossible.

His eyes scanned the room for anything to cut himself loose; seconds later a male voice called out- "oi! Who ar-" the voice tampered off followed by several thuds and an occasional loud groan of pain. Which, of course, caught Sakichis attention; the boy starring at the wall not sure what was happening. A few brief moments of silence passed and the door to his room busted open to reveal Madara holding Mitsuha in his arms bridal style. Blood dripping down the girls cheek and her hair hiding the rest of her face. "is she okay?" Sakichi asked, genuinely worried as Madara stood her against the wall; Mitsuha kept her head down, hiding her face. "She will be fine. We need to get out of here before they notice my presence." He stated pulling a kunai out and cutting the straps that held Sakichis arms down. "Grab Mitsuha." Madara instructed with a wave of his hand towards the girl.

Sakichi went to Mitsuha and turned his back towards her, slightly bending his knees. "jump on my back, Mitsuha." He said softly, watching as Madara grabbed a few bandages from the room. "alright. Let's go." Madara instructed, walking out of the room to lead the way. Sakichi followed behind him with Mitsuha on his back and they were soon out of the Mist Village, entering the thick forest that surrounded the edge of the Land of Fire. "Okay we should be good here. Go ahead and set her down." Madara would instruct after confirming they weren't being followed. Slowly lowering Mitsuha to the ground, the girl sat herself against a tree that stood behind her. Deep crimson red blood still dripping from the girls eye sockets, Madara pulled out a small jar containing two eyeballs, squating down infront if her and would gently push them back into her eye sockets. "How's that?" Madara asked, the girl blinking her eyes to allow them to adjust for a moment. "It's fine sensei thank you.." Mitsuha answered softly, the young Uchiha having not said much at all since they left the mist village. "Good. Then we should get going, we don't want to be hanging around too long." Madara gave a nod of his head towards his two students, instructing the two to follow behind him.

Pushing herself to her feet, Mitsuha took a few steps before a look of intense pain took over her facial expressions. The girl halting, clasping her palm over her eye and placing her other hand on a tree beside her to hold herself up. "Mitsuha.." Sakichi breathed, turning to catch her incase she failed to hold herself up. "It seems she overused her Sharingan as well..." Madara noted, looking back at the two with a slight sigh. "What's that mean Sensei?" Sakichi asked, looking up at the Uchiha man infront of them. "It's nothing out of the ordinary. It happens to many clans who relay on Kekkei Genkai.. it just means that she'll have to let her eyes rest for a few days." He said, pulling out the bandages that he had stolen from the mist village. "You're going to have to carry her the rest of the way Sakichi." Madara instructed, stretching the bandage out infront of him before wrapping it around the girls eyes.

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