Training- Ninjustu

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"Here's how this will work- you four will have to work together against me, we will continue this until I feel that you've all had enough. Again- I will only be using taijutsu, however I will be taking this seriously. Is that understood?" Madara demanded, the four students before him nodding their head with a determined expression. "Yes sir-" they responded; a slight smirk stretching on Madaras face as he jumped back from the group. "Okay then, let's dance." Madara said, signalling for them to come at him.

The four hesitated for a moment, Sakichi stood there thinking of the most logical way to get through this. "Hiro, could you act as a distraction? I'll back you up and try to catch him off guard, if you're not able to- someone else jump in and keep him going. He's got to trip up at some point.." Sakichi spoke towards Hiro, who would quickly respond with a nod. "Leave it to me." Hiro responded rather confident, activating his Byakugan before charging in.

As Hiro ran ahead, Sakichi created two shadow clones before joining behind him. Charging chakra into his palm, Hiro thrusted his palm towards Madara- who would quickly have the Hyuga by the wrist; raising him up. Madara began to get ready to throw Hiro off to the side; one of Sakichis clones jumping in and wrapping it's arms around Madara in an attempt to knock him off balance. "Tch-" Madara muttered, pulling a kunai out from his pocket and stabbing the clone in the chest as it jumped onto him.

The clone puffed up in smoke, the other clone quickly appeared on Madaras left side; throwing a punch towards the males face. Seeming totally unfazed, Madara caught the clones fist; his other hand still holding Hiro in the air by his wrist. "Over here-" Sakichi called out as he charged in towards Madara from behind, the Senju boys fist having water spiralling around it to create a spike. Sakichi thrusted the spike towards Madaras midback. With only a second to spare, Madara glanced behind him- gazing down at Sakichi before activating his Sharingan. The older Uchiha swiftly turned himself away, pushing the last clone into Sakichi.

With a puff of smoke in his face, Sakichi coughed; "damn it-" regaining his vision he watched as Madara threw Hiro into a tree. "You all will have to come at me with the intent to kill if you want to get anywhere." Madara instructed, Mitsuha quickly charging in with her Katana. Madara quickly clashed his kunai onto the blade, quickly dragging it up her blade to move it out of the way of her body. Madara raised his leg, readying himself to kick her away when Akame would suddenly run up, aiming to land a punch in his side- to which Madara would quickly catch.

Akame refused to give in; pushing herself more and applying more chakra to her fist. "Arrrhh!!" She called out, feeling the chakra intensify. "Tch-" Madara breathed out, unimpressed from the girls strength. "Now, Senju-" Hiro suddenly called towards Sakichi. Giving a nod, Sakichi rushed in from behind; throwing his fist back and focusing his chakra into his hand- another water spike forming.

Hiro ran around Madara, aiming to hit him in the stomach once again. The older Uchiha stood there allowing for the two boys to come within distance before picking Akame up from her fist and swinging her around to knock her into Hiro; both of them landing on the ground with a thud. Madara swiftly took a tighter grip on his kunai in his other hand, shifting his pressure on Mitsuhas blade so that it clashed against Sakichis water spike. Madara glanced down at Sakichi as he held his kunai firmly, the Senju boy meeting his gaze with determination.

Making a small sign with his free hand, Sakichi began to gather chakra. "Heavenly weeping-" the Senju drew a big breath, spitting out 3 small water needles as he exhaled; Madaras eyes widened slightly but it was easily dodged. Hiro began towards Madara from behind, the older Uchiha slowly gazing back before jumping off the ground a few inches and shifting himself to kick himself off from Mitsuhas blade. "Fire ball jutsu!" Mitsuha suddenly called out as Madara jumped away, inhaling deeply before breathing out fire balls that charged after Madara.

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