To Create, Destroy and Create

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Team Madara made it to the hokages office where Tobirama would start off by saying he was sending them out on a mission. "This is a higher ranked mission than this team is used to, however I think it will be fine... The Mist village seems to have been getting extra help in the war from the smaller villages; The Rain village and the Waterfall village. From what I've gathered so far it seems the rain village is assisting them in ninja tools and the waterfall is supplying more Shinobis for them to send out into the war. I have split the team up in two parts for this mission- Hiro and Akame will be together with Madara assisting them to the village safety; Sakichi and Mitsuha will be with me." Tobirama began explaining the situation, his attention turning to Madara as he spoke.

"The Genins will go into the village as spys, me and Madara will guide our chosen teams around the war ground safely and get them into the village. Once that's done, Madara will head into war with Hashirama and I will head to the Hidden Stone village to talk to the Tsuchikage about joining our efforts in the war. Hiro and Akame will be going to the Rain village disguised as orphans; The Rain village has a lot of orphans so it shouldn't be questioned - Find out where the Rain village is keeping their supply of ninja tools and destroy them. And the other two will be in charge of finding out something about a particular shinobi that goes by Kakuzu- but I can go into more detail about that later. Before we head out, we will need to go ahead and disguise ourselves... Hiro, I already have some contacts for you to wear. The color of your eyes alone is a dead give away of your clan." Tobirama stated, handing out a small box that held the contacts.

"And I think it's obvious enough that neither the Sharingan that you possess, Mitsuha or Hiro's Bakugan needs to be activated within the villages you've been assigned. There's no telling what they will try to do if that happens..." Tobirama stood up with a sigh. "We will be leaving in 30 minutes. Just be sure to disguise yourselves appropriately before leaving the village." Tobirama finished, nodding towards Madara as a sign that he was done giving details about the mission. The two teams split up, Hiro and Akame going with Madara to get appropriate clothes and Tobiramas group joining behind him as he made his way through the village. "The Waterfall village gets a lot of traveling ninjas so that's what the two of you will go in as. Mitsuha, your outfit is fine but Sakichi- you will have to remove your Senju armour. You can both leave your headbands with me." Tobirama stated after giving both of the kids a look over.

Sakichi removed his light grey armour as they reached the gate of the village. "Drop this off by the Hokages office, if you will." Tobirama instructed one of the guards at the gate, handing over Sakichi's armor and the two headbands. "Yessir!" The guard responded, giving a deep bow and taking the items. The two genins headed out with Tobirama, following behind him as he led them around the battle ground of the war. "The Shinobi I mentioned earlier, Kakuzu- apparently he was sent by himself to try to assassinate Hashirama personally. Obviously he failed- however, why would the hidden waterfall send someone to take out our Hokage specifically when they aren't involved in the war? Hashirama reports not seeing any other waterfall village shinobi on the battle ground, but the number of Mist ninjas on the battlefield have slowly been growing here lately according to Hashirama. Which wouldn't make sense including the fact that the Mizukage has been killing off most of the younger Shinobis for about two years now. Their numbers should be dramatically lower especially now that we are at war." Tobirama explained his thinking process on the situation.

"So you're saying they are going into battle as Mist shinobi to try and ensure Konoha doesn't come after them?" Sakichi questioned, understanding what his father was getting at. "Yes, I believe that's a possibility. Their village is quite small and them getting involved in a war could be lethal to their village. Them keeping their village from plain sight in the war would be the best for them." Tobirama continued as the three walked through the thick forest. "So perhaps that's why they sent the Kakuzu guy? To hopefully kill the Hokage and end the war, therefore it stops the risk of Konoha finding out they were involved." Mitsuha added onto Tobirama's thoughts. Tobirama would simply nod. "It seems you two catch on quick." His voice resonated with approval.

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