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After eating with Hiro and chatting with him for about an hour, Akame eventually stopped by to check on her Hyuga teammate and was surprised to see Sakichi and Mitsuha there; alive and well. The three caught up with each other, glad to have not lost anyone in their team. The temptation to tell Akame about Lady Mito crossed Sakichi's mind occasionally as they chatted casually; the Senju feeling as if she deserved to know. But also felt that perhaps it wasn't his place to tell her such troublesome news- especially not now while she seemed so happy just to lay eyes on him and Mitsuha. 'Surely the whole Uzumaki clan would figure it out soon.' Sakichi reasoned before dismissing himself and Mitsuha from their little team gathering. "I want to take Mitsuha to Lady Tsunade. See if she can't help with her situation." Sakichi said, waving towards Akame and Hiro. "It was nice seeing you again, Hyuga. I'm glad your okay." He smiled softly as he stood up, walking towards Mitsuha on the end of the bed and softly taking her hand in his.

And with their goodbyes the Senju and Uchiha went on their way back through the village to the Senju residence. "I'm home-" Sakichi called out as he walked through the door, leading Mitsuha in behind him. Seconds passed before the thudding of footsteps could be heard charging down the hallway, Kaiyu darting out from the hallway with his eyes widened. "Nii San!" He smiled, not hesitating to rush at Sakichi and throw himself into his brother- hugging him. "Oof-" left Sakichis lips as his brother knocked him back a few inches. Sakichi gave a soft laugh, releasing Mitsuhas hand to hug back. "Were you lonely without me, Kai?" Sakichi teased slightly, Kaiyu releasing Sakichi and crossing his arms. "Well duh! You had me and Father worried sick. We hadn't heard anything from you in like 3 days." He scolded, his attention soon moving to the girl beside Sakichi. "who's this? What's wrong with her?" He questioned, leaning in forward to study her. "that's rude, Kai." Sakichi said, reaching over the thump his forehead.

"This is Mitsuha. She's going to be hanging out over here for a bit. Does Tsunade happen to be around?" Sakichi asked, slipping off his shoes along with Mitsuha. "Yea she's in the garden taking care of it since Aunt Mito went out to help Uncle Hashi." Kaiyu informed, turning towards the opening in the back of the house that led out into the garden. "Lady Tsunade-" Sakichi called as he walked out on the back porch; Mitsuha standing in the doorframe. Sakichis voice quickly caught Tsunades attention. "Ohh! Kichi kun! Glad to see you made it back." The young Senju girls gaze moved to Mitsuha who stood behind Sakichi. "Who's this? Is she okay?" Tsunades voice laced with concern as she placed down her small shovel. "Mitsuha." Mitsuha introduced herself, giving a polite bow of her head. "She overused her Sharingan. I was wondering if there was anything you could do to help her gain her vision back faster." Sakichi explained his reasoning for having brought her over.

"Unfortunately, I don't believe there is anything I can do. Regular medical Ninjustu doesn't work in that sense; I'd need a rare natural herb to help, I believe- I saw something about it one time when I was going through some of Lady Mitos scrolls. But the herb I'd need is far out from the village and her eyesight should return back to normal before you are even able to find it so the travel for it would be pointless. Sorry I can't help much." Tsunade thought outloud, ending with a sigh. "It's not a big deal. I appreciate it anyways." Mitsuha responded, giving another slight bow of her head as a thank you.

"Care for some tea? Tsunade chan made some this morning. It's still fresh-" Kaiyu offered as he joined the group from the kitchen, holding two warm cups of green tea. "Yes, thank you Kai." Sakichi nodded his head towards his brother, taking the cup from his brothers grip as Mitsuha gave a soft nod; feeling out for the cup that Kaiyu held out for her. "I'm going to finish up with the garden and then join y'all, if that's okay. I'm almost done anyways." Tsunade breathed, turning to look out into the small garden of flowers. "Well, I might be taking Mitsuha home here soon. I'm sure her family would like to know she's back safely." Sakichi noted towards Tsunade, to which she didn't respond. There was a brief silence, Sakichi and Mitsuha enjoying their warm tea which seemed to be very much needed for Sakichi; the boy usually having green tea daily as a way to relax.

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