Chapter Three

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The teacher started sounding off names for the history project. Something about World War Two, Billy wasn't excited for it at all. Billy didn't work well with people, not after Teddy's death. "Billy Kaplan-Maximoff and..." she ran her pencil down the clipboard searching for someone to partner him with. He tapped his pen on the desk, getting anxious, "Kristoff Pierce."

Billy's heart stopped for a moment, coming back rapidly beating. He didn't need to be partnered with the kid who stole Teddy's locker! He wouldn't do that! He sighed, realizing that Kit hadn't done anything. It wasn't his fault that Teddy died, he just went to where he was told. Billy knew he couldn't fault him for that.

The teacher finished off giving people partners and handed out the instruction packets. "Alright, kids. Go find your partners. And. If I catch you doing anything other than the project you'll do it by yourself. And you don't. Don't want that." she used the Ben Shapiro esc voice that Billy hated.

Billy looked down and started reading the packet. Someone sat next to him once Agatha got up. He glanced at whoever it was, it was Kit. Oh shit, he's pretty... Billy thought, almost out loud but caught it. He sat up a bit more and focused on the kid. He knew the first few things, the light mocha-colored skin, the messy dark brown hair, but he hadn't noticed his eyes. They were dark brown with a purple hue. But that might have just been the black-framed glasses.

"Oh- sorry I should introduce myself," Kit muttered turning to him. He didn't have a high-pitched voice or a deep voice. It was somewhere in the middle and he had a weird accent as well. It was mid-west sounding but also had hints of southern. Billy wondered how that happened. Then it hit him, parents. One might've been from New York, and the other from the south somehow. "I'm Kit." he held his hand out for Billy to shake.

"Billy..." he took the kid's hand and shook it weakly. He instantly let go of it and turned back to the project manual. Billy turned back into what the other kids were saying. The room was full of chatter and no one was actually reading the packet, except Kit. He watched Kit study the packet before Kit broke the silence.

"Oh, this is easy!"

"Is it?" Billy asked sarcastically, something Kit clearly didn't catch.

"Oh yeah! Really," he reached into his bag and grabbed his computer, and set it in front of the both of them.

"Ya know we could just use the-"

"Mhm. But those suck. I found like..." he paused trying to remember the answer,  " six-ish viruses on one of them yesterday." He pushed up his glasses and started working on the project.

Fourty minutes later the bell rang. Billy and Kit had done the most by far and Billy didn't even have to do that much. He figured Kit must've been a control freak because he hardly did anything. "Hey- what's your number?" Billy asked, taking out his phone.


Billy plugged it in and recognized the number but didn't know from where. He thanked him and walked to his next class.

Kit followed behind him, quietly walking with him and when Billy looked up from his phone he jumped. "Holy shit! Kit!"

"Hm?" Kit turned to him, he was a bit shorter than Billy, not by much.

Billy shook his head, "Scared me...what the fuck dude!"

Kit shrugged, "We have math together too ya know..."

"We do?"

"Mmhm...but I sit in the back so you probably didn't notice me. Understandable. Most people don't. Kind of like a superpower."

"Going unnoticed is a superpower?" Billy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure! If you've got anxiety." Kit gave him a sarcastic, yet charming smile.

Billy looked down, "I wish I had that..."

"What? The ability to go unnoticed?"

"Yeah...something happened, now people won't stop telling me everything's gonna be alright..."

Kit seemed interested, "What happened?"

"I-I don't like talking about it..." he ducked into what he thought was a bathroom but was actually the janitor's closet, leaving Kit alone. He kind of regretted it. He knew he should probably find someone to talk about it with. He didn't want that yet. He thought, believed he didn't need anyone to talk to like a white suburban mom believes in god.

On the subject of god, religion was a luxury Billy no longer had. He gave up believing in anything when Tommy died.

Billy sighed, he was gonna skip class, nobody could stop him because only the janitor could find him now! He put his cheap headphones on and plugged them into his phone, turning on some music before closing his eyes and sitting against one of the shelves.

---Author's Note---
Okay. So I checked to see if that area code was real. I don't think it is but don't call the number just in case. I can't believe I have to say this...
---Author's Note---

𝑻𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 ~ ᴮⁱˡˡʸ ᴹᵃˣⁱᵐᵒᶠᶠWhere stories live. Discover now