Chapter Eight

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Billy and Kit had repeated this little ritual once a month, each month, except the winter ones when the snow stopped them from going up on the mountain. They didn't drink most times, they just skipped a day of school, went up on the mountain, and stared down at the town, listening to Troye Sivan and Billy Joel. Billy couldn't feel any better. Sitting on a mountain with his best friend listening to one music, not talking if they didn't want to. It was something nobody could take away. Billy had lost enough but the days spent up on that ledge with his best friend, it was blissful.

The pair were now sat on their ledge, Billy's head on Kit's shoulder, he knew it wasn't the most masculine thing he'd ever done but again, nobody knew they were up there. And they were gay so he figured they could act like girls occasionally. Neither were twinks, if you looked at them and thought 'sexuality' you'd assume they were straight because they acted and dressed like straight people. That was probably because of where they lived, they needed to act straight or people would talk.

Kit sighed, "Do you think people are suspecting something?"

Billy sat up again, "What do you mean?"

"I-I you think people are talking about us? Like...once a month we both skip a day of school..." Kit muttered and brought his legs to his chest, "I just...I don't want people to tell my dad." Billy didn't know much about his dad but he met him once and he never wanted to meet him again. He couldn't imagine living with the guy.

"Hey...look, nobody's gonna tell your dad," Billy grabbed his arm, "besides, we're just friends."

Kit nodded, "Just Friends." he repeated and looked out at the town. Billy did the same and wondered what everyone swarming the streets was doing. It was weird everyone was mobbing around something but the two couldn't see it. Kit scooted to the end of the ledge, let his feet hang off, and leaned forward. Billy did the same but kept back a little bit, not wanting to fall off. When he thought Kit was about to slip he grabbed him by the waist and pulled him back.

"What the hell I could see it!" Kit said.

"You were gonna fall off."

"No, I wasn't!" Kit accused and Billy subconsciously pulled him closer to his chest. He felt the boy's head lean against his chest and he blushed and smiled a bit. He wrapped his arms around him further and looked out at the crowd, "What do you think is happening?"

"I-I don't know..." he muttered, squinting and trying to figure it out, Kit still in his arms and not fighting back, "Figure it out later?" he asked, scooting back and leaning against a tree and closing his eyes. Kit turned a bit so his cheek was against the taller boy's chest and sighed.

"No...I want to know now." He struggled to get out and in response, Billy put his knees up so he was trapping Kit.

"Oh come on Kitty."

"Don't call me Kitty you mother fucker! Let me out!" He kept squirming and Billy giggled at him.


"Fuck you!" he yelled, "Let me go!" Billy kept laughing and holding onto him, "Mother fucker...." Kit finally gave in and sank into him, "I hate you." He muttered, his voice muffled by Billy's shirt.

"Oh, you know you love me." Billy snickered, taking off Kit's glasses so he didn't break them. After he set the glasses on Kit's backpack he got a call.

Kit reached inside Billy's hoodie and handed the phone to him, not looking at him. Billy took it and said, "Thanks." before picking it up. Kit grunted in response.

He looked at the caller ID and sighed, "Agnes..." he hit the green button and held the phone to his ear, "Hey wassup?"

"Where are you?" she sounded out of breath.

"With Kit? Why?"

"Where's Kit?"

"With me?"

"Where are you two?!" she screamed into the phone.

"Okay okay chill. We're on the mountain by town."

"Stay there."


Dead silence on the other end.

"Why, Agnes?"

"Kit's dad was found dead in the street." her voice dropped.

Billy's heart sped up, he shut his mouth and hummed in response, gripping onto Kit's shirt tightly. They both hated his dad. His dad was the epitome of white drunk trash but his death meant Kit had to leave him. He couldn't have Kit leave him. Kit was the one thing that could never leave. Kit and him on the mountain's ledge looking over the town, occasionally a beer in hand. That was something that could never die. He gripped onto his best friend tighter and tried to slow his heart down but failed and just sped it up.

"Billy? you still there?"

"Yeah...I'm still here." his voice was weak.

"Do you want me to tell him?"

"No...No I've got it..." He muttered.

"I love you, Billy."

"Love you too." and with that, he hung up.

"What was that about?" Kit asked, closing his eyes, a small smile on his face.

"I-I-" Billy stuttered, "I- Uhm..."

"What is it?" Kit asked.

"Your...your dad....he's..."

"My dad is?" he sat up a bit, using Billy's chest as support as he stared into his eyes.


"He's what Billy?" he asked, growing impatient.


---Author's Note---
Well I didn't expect it to go that dark that's for sure but yeah...okay... anyways
I know it sounds like I'm begging but can you guys leave comments please?
If you do thank you so much!
---Author's Note---

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