Chapter Seven

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The school day would have just let out and Billy felt his stomach drop. He left his skateboard at the movie theater, he drummed his fingers on Kit's backpack trying to figure out what to do. Options were to leave Kit on a bench somewhere, grab his skateboard and go, or leave his skateboard and risk it getting stolen by some freshman to take Kit back to his house, then just grab it later. He opted to just take Kit to his house and grab his skateboard later. He readjusted Kit who was still clinging to his body and walked back home.

When he did make it back he slowly walked through the front door, not making a sound in case Agnus had been home somehow. He crept up the stairs and almost made it when a floorboard creaked, "BILLY? IS THAT YOU?" Agnus called up, she must have been in the office.

Billy sprinted to his room, yelling, "YEAH!" He set Kit on the bed but Kit just kept clinging to him, "Kit. Kit I swear to god," he tried pushing him off, "I swear, get off...Kristoff, get off!"

"DID YOU SAY KRISTOFF?" Agnus yelled up, her heels making a cracking sound when hitting the stairs. As the noise got louder Billy kept pushing Kit off. The Hispanic boy was gripping onto his shirt tightly and in Billy's attempts to get him to let go his shirt started pulling up. He gave up and just took the shirt off, he untied his sweatshirt from his waist and slipped it on before Agnus walked in, "Yo-ho" she chirped.

"Hi..." Billy said and Kit turned on his side. Agnus saw him and shook her head.

"Billy, I- is that your shirt?"

"Yes. It is." Billy gave up before even trying to convince her it was anyone else.

"Ah- you didn't-"

"No, Agnus. We didn't do anything." That was a lie. They were drinking but he wasn't gonna tell her that.

Agnus nodded and backed out the door, shutting it on her way, "Alright...just keep everything PG." she motioned to the both of them before shutting the door. Billy waited till he heard her walk away before going over to Kit and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Kit whimpered and curled up. Billy didn't know what to do, he touched Kit's leg but it didn't stop the boy's trembling. He tried scooting back and sitting next to him and slowly rubbing his back. And when that didn't do anything he blamed whatever he was about to do on the alcohol and hugged Kit.

He knew it was wrong. He knew that his boyfriend died just about two months ago and he should care and he shouldn't be holding somebody else but this was strictly platonic so what's to say about that? Kit was just the kid he did the history project with that he happened to have a beer with on a mountain while they were supposed to be at school.

Billy realized then that he was getting over Teddy. It only took two months. He was supposed to be in grief, in denial! But he wasn't. No. He was holding another boy, a boy who probably had never been held. Judging by the way Kit carried himself he was supposed to be the, for lack of a better word, top. But when he got drunk he wasn't, a top that is. From what Billy knew, people who topped normally didn't get held, being generally the more 'masculine of the two or three depending on the scenario. Billy wasn't going to judge.

He hated how sexual all those thoughts sounded, hugging a friend shouldn't be sexualized. It just shouldn't, but that's how the society was, especially in Westview. Boys and girls were paired together by their parents who claimed it was the couple's own will and then get married, have a kid, have another, and let the cycle continue. That's not what Billy wanted for anyone! He wanted people to be with who they loved and not forced into sex. Why anyone pressure their kid into that was beyond him.

TW//Mentions of suicide//

Teddy had been on the receiving end of that before, his parents telling him he needed to get a girlfriend right in front of Billy. That had hurt him so much and he couldn't imagine how much it hurt Teddy. Now Teddy was gone, killed. Billy knew who killed Teddy but he didn't like to think about that. Instead when people ask he responds with, 'he was killed. We don't know who yet' instead of the real answer. Suicide. Teddy killed himself.

First his brother, then his boyfriend. Surely Teddy understood he couldn't do that to him! Of course! Maybe that's why he was getting over it so early, he'd already been through it once before and resented Teddy for making him go through it again.

TW// Over//

Billy thought about it and gripped onto Kit tighter, hoping he didn't do the same. He pressed his lips into Kit's hair, knowing he'd been through a lot, and praying it did something to help him. The sleeping boy turned over and hugged him tightly, pressing his face into Billy's chest. Billy just let it happen, not thinking about Teddy again for another few hours, or at least until Kit had left.

---Author's Note---
Alright guys, if you are ever concidering Suicide
you are loved! Okay? You just are I don't make the rules.
But in all seriousness, if you guys ever feel like commiting
you shouldn't, you have so much ahead of you and it will get better
I know you probably don't trust some random person
writting a shitty fanfic but please please please, get some help
because what you're feeling is only temporary and it will get better
I promise! I'm gonna leave the Suicide hotline here just so you have it if you
need it. I love you.
---Author's Note---

𝑻𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 ~ ᴮⁱˡˡʸ ᴹᵃˣⁱᵐᵒᶠᶠWhere stories live. Discover now