Chapter Six

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The two hung at that ledge for hours, sipping at their beers and staring off into the distance, staying quiet both of them unsure what to say. Billy broke the silence after what felt like days of looking at the town from the sky, it was actually just an hour but it took too long for the two to talk. "So..."

"So?" Kit responded, looking at him.

"Where are you from? have a-"

"Weird accent? I know..." He muttered and looked down again, "You sure you want to know? You'd get my life story and it's depressing as fuck." Kit said as Billy nodded, desperate to know.

"Well. Since I'm tipsy and will regret this later might as well!" He paused and took a breath, thinking everything over, " my mom is...was an immigrant from Mexico..." he had tears in his eyes but his voice wouldn't show it, "She...she met my dad and...and she thought he was a good guy, he was a good guy," Kit took another sip of his beer, running out and grabbing another one, "They moved to Atlanta," He looked up at Billy.

"Where's that? Sorry- I-"

"It's fine...Georgia, it's in Georgia..." he mumbled and his glasses started sliding down his face. Billy, also a bit drunk pushed them up, not caring with he'd say. "And they were happy, they got married, they had me a year later...we were happy." tears streamed in silence down his face, "I lived there for the first few years of my life...that's how I have the Blanch Devereaux accent."

"Blanch...Devereaux?" Billy asked, trying to figure out if he'd heard that name before.

"Blanch? Golden Girls?" Kit asked, lightening his mood a bit. Billy shook his head in response, "You are so incredibly uncultured!" Kit laughed but looked down again. Billy touched his shoulder, his black hair falling in front of his eyes but he didn't take his hand from Kit's shoulder, "I- right...where I'm from...Georgia. I'm from Atlanta Georgia and....and we left."

"Why?" Billy asked.

Kit looked up and stared into the distance, the trees above him's leaves casting shadows on his face, "Because my mom was murdered." He whispered and Billy sobered up a bit. He saw Kit start to cry a bit harder and set his forehead against his forearms in between his knees. Billy scooted closer to him and hugged him, it was uncomfortable looking, and uncomfortable for the two but neither was sober enough to care. "My dad he...he took me to New York City...and- and I got a boyfriend...and...and..."

"And what?" Billy asked, his arms still around Kit, who was now leaning into him, his cheek resting against Billy's chest.

"And he was gonna get on broadway...and he- he died..." Kit stuttered out, his tears now affecting his voice, "My dad found out I dated a guy and...and here I am...fifteen years old and...drinking beer on a fuckin' hill!"

Billy was still trying to process the story, he didn't want to know all the details, he knew that that might have been the first time Kit had told the whole thing. He was going to respect that and not ask questions. He just pressed his lips into Kit's hair and let him cry it out, not wanting to force anything on him. After a few moments of his nose and lips in Kit's hair and Kit grabbing at his arm, he started to sing a Sycovian love song. One his mother had taught him.

Everything after that blurred together, he remembered Kit passing out in his arms. Billy thought it must've been the amount of alcohol the smaller boy had. Kit had three of the six bottles while Billy only had one. He pulled the Hispanic boy onto his lap and picked him up. Kit clung to him like a Koala, and Billy stood up. His vision went dark for a second, blotching with color in certain areas, and his head started pounding. When his sight was restored he shook it off and picked the bag up, putting it over his shoulder.

Kit had his bag already on, he'd randomly put it on while still awake. He somehow managed to shift his weight to keep the other upright and get the other strap over his shoulder and he started walking away. They didn't leave anything behind, it was like they were never there. Going unnoticed by anyone else who would ever go up there. It was Kit's superpower.

---Author's Note--
yeah...that was crappy sorry guys!
I promise this will get better!
and I know I shouldn't be begging
because you guys are amazing for just
reading this but can you leave comments?
---Author's Note---

𝑻𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 ~ ᴮⁱˡˡʸ ᴹᵃˣⁱᵐᵒᶠᶠWhere stories live. Discover now