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we can make it so divine

we can make it so divine

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Everyone was silent. It hit Lexy all of a sudden. They were gone. Alby, Minho and Thomas. According to the rules, this meant that she and Newt were in charge. They had to assure everyone that everything was going to be fine.

"He's an idiot," Gally announced, breaking the silence.

The group all agreed.

"Everyone except the keepers and Newt go do whatever or go to bed I don't really care, there's going to be a private council meeting in 5 minutes," Lexy declared.

Mostly everyone went away, Winston and Zart headed over to the homestead.

"Lexy can I come and join please," Chuck asked.

"I'm sorry Chuck but I have to do this with just the keepers."

"But Newt's coming," Chuck pleaded.

"Of course he is, you have to remember that he's second in charge so he and I are the leaders right now."

Chuck huffed and went off. He really was like a little brother.


"Ok, so obviously with Alby gone that means myself and Newt are taking over charge for the foreseeable future."

"He might not be gone though," Gally piped up.

"You're right but we have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst."

"So tomorrow we all wake up and stand at the doors and see if they come out, sounds good."

"Meeting dismissed."

Everyone traipsed out of the hall, tired and probably scared. Newt just sat there.

"Lex what are we going to do tomorrow if the three of them don't come back?" Newt asked, standing up and slowly walking towards to her.

"To be honest, I haven't really thought about that yet."

"Everyones gonna be in hysterics and it'll be up to us to keep everyone calm."

"I'm scared Newt, like really scared," she confessed.

"More scared than the time Gally and I followed you about and made griever noises behind you for a day," he joked, trying to make Lexy feel a bit better.

She sniggered and rolled her eyes, remembering the prank the two boys had pulled on her. Half of the gladers knew about it as well.

"I hated that, I was so scared that whole day."

"Oh we know, remember when you got Fry to stay with you even thought he was in on the joke to."

"But I got you back, don't forget."

"That was evil, what you done."

Lexy had pretended to slice part of her stomach open, with pigs blood and guts falling out. Newt had rushed over to her and started crying because he really thought she was going to die. When he found out it was fake, he nearly didn't talk to her for two days. In the end he came round.

"I'm a good actor, I have to admit."

Newt sighed. He still loved her but she could never know why they had to end.

"Go to bed, you'll feel better in the morning," Newt said.

"Goodnight Newt."

"Night Lex."

She walked out. The glade was in darkness apart from the small flicker of light coming from the treehouse. Lexy knew she wasn't going to sleep well.

It felt good to have an actual conversation with Newt. She had been trying to avoid him but maybe now she could get fully over it.

She climbed up the ladder and blew out the torch. The stars were dotted all around the sky. Lexy always felt strangely connected to the stars. They were always there without a doubt.

Her bed felt like a cloud when she fell into it. Her eyes were slammed shut but her mind was still wide awake. Despite Newt's best efforts to keep her happy, she couldn't help but worry about them.

Alby had been the person she had known for the longest amount of time. She can't remember much of her life when he wasn't there.

Minho is one of her best friends. Her drinking buddy. It was a tradition that at every party Minho and her would see who could down a glass of Gally's recipe the quickest. It was usually Minho but she sometimes did beat him.

and there was Thomas. There wasn't much to say about him yet. He seemed a bit clueless if anything. It was a stupid move to go into the maze but that would be dealt with later. He was getting on with Chuck quite well which was good as Chuck only had Lexy.


Everyone stood at the gates waiting for the doors to open. Lexy was so nervous she felt as if she was about to throw up everwhere. She stood at the front beside Newt, Chuck and Gally. No one spoke.

The doors started to creak . Opening up, it revealed.. nothing.

Lexy held our breath.

"They're not coming," Gally said while walking away.

Lexy refused to believe it. She stayed there.

"Come on Lex, we have to decide what we're going to do," Newt beckoned her.

"No way, look, Come on Thomas," Chuck shouted.

Newt and Lexy looked round.

There they were. Coming out, carrying Alby

lucy speaks

heyyyy so new chapter

bit late but it was my brothers birthday so my family was up

can we all take a minute to cancel netflix for the horrible sexist, misogynistic line they put in ginny and georgia about Taylor Swift. She ahs worked so hard for her career and to have the company that she trusted with her documentary say shit like that to her is just horrible.

stan taylor swift and anya taylor joy for good skin

anyway don't forget to vote and comment


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