Lesson 27: Words Can Bring You Down

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Lesson 27: Words Can Bring You Down

"Amber! I just remembered! Homecoming is soon!" Selena suddenly exclaimed, making me stare at her with wide eyes.

"You didn't have to scream like that! Do you want to give me a heart-attack?" I retorted, placing a hand on my chest. Selena rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, we have to go shopping! We only have two days 'till Friday!" She said, and I nodded.

"Okay, we'll go after school tomorrow." I confirmed, and looked at the time.

"Shiz! I was meant to leave 10 minutes ago! Mum is gonna kill me!" I practically shouted, standing up. Selena looked at the clock in her room and started laughing at me.

"Oh, shut up! I'll see you tomorrow!" I said, and hurried home. When I was outside I paused and sheepishly walked back inside and up to Selena's room.


"Can you drive me there?"


While were in the car Selena suddenly started talking about Derek.

"He's gonna break your heart, you know." She randomly stated, and I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Why is everyone saying that?" I exclaimed and she shrugged.

"Because it's true."

"That's what you think." I reminded, and she scoffed.

"It's what I know. Do you know the amount of girls that have came to me because my brother played with them? In tears? It was heart-breaking, but to be honest really annoying. They should've known, because they'd seen the amount of girls he'd been with, what made them any different? They weren't special; they were just one of his flings." She ranted, then her eyes widened when she realized what she said.

I felt like I was gonna puke. Was I one of his flings?

"Amber, I didn't mean to-" She started when she parked outside my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I mumbled, and ran out of the car and into my house.


"You are 15 minutes late young lady." My mum was standing in the hallway when I tried to sneak in. I put on my best puppy dog face.

"Mummy, it won't happen again!" I said and she raised an eyebrow. I looked up at her with my best smile.

"Can I please go shopping for homecoming with Selena tomorrow?" I asked sweetly, giving her my best innocent smile.

"Hmm. I'll think about it. Now go up to your room, you're grounded for tonight. Give me your phone and laptop." She demanded. I sighed and did as I was told, then walked upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed, and reached under my pillow, smiling when I felt my IPad.

Haha. Mum forgot about that electronic.

I immediately went on Facebook and started chatting to Derek again. He was being especially sweet ever since we made our relationship official, and I loved it.


Derek-Da-Boss: So, homecoming is soon... ;)

Amber_Woos: I'm aware of that...

Derek-Da-Boss: So, ya don't have a date yet?

Amber_Woos: No, not yet..... I'm sorry, but is there a point to this conversation??

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