Lesson 3: Getting Caught Is Never A Good Thing

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Lesson 3: Getting Caught Is Never A Good Thing

As I said, the Jocks came running into the Changing Room, and the smell got ten times worse. Then guess what? Someone just had to dump their sweaty, dirty practise clothes on the bench I was hiding under, and then let out such a smelly fart that it put poison gas to shame. And since he was in front of me with his back facing me, I had the advantage of the smell filling my nostrils more quickly than anyone else's.

Nothing like a fart making your day.

I buried my head in my knees and prayed to God that we could get OUT OF HERE!! But unfortunately, the opposite happened.

"I think I left my shoes under this bench. Let me just check." Said the guy that farted in my face. Oh no. I just hoped he wasn't talking about this bench. Just hopefully.

Then this bench got a whole lot more uncomfortable when . . .

"WHAT?!" Shouted a familiar voice that might have belonged to Joe.

"Who put these doll clothes in my bag?! Where the heck are my other clothes?" He shouted. Everyone kept quiet and I couldn't help but let out a little giggle about how angry he sounded.

Big mistake.

Everyone gasped. Then to my absolute delight, a head popped under the

bench and looked around until it spotted me. I smiled and waved when I thought his eyes was about to pop out of their sockets.

"Girl!" He shouted. "There's a girl under the bench!" He said to his team mates. Immediately everyone started shouting and I assumed they were covering their private bits.

I heard pounding feet on the floor and before you knew it; a pair of strong looking arms reached under the bench and grabbed me. I was roughly pulled out from under the bench, with my head hitting it in the process.

Then I found out who those strong looking pair of arms belonged to. Could you guess? Yes, Joe Smith. Fantastic, just wonderful.

His face went red when he looked at me. Probably out anger.

"Did you have anything to do with that?" He asked angrily and pointed at the pile of doll clothes that rested on a bench. I suppressed a giggle and gave him a flat look.

"Of course I don't have anything to do with the pile of doll clothes sitting on top of that bench where your clothes are mean to be. I mean, why on earth would a girl have a set of doll clothes and why on earth would I have been hiding under that bench if I had nothing to do with it?" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"So, did that answer your lame question?" I asked him. He looked shocked for a moment, then he glared at me.

"What you just said was a mistake you'll regret." He said then took a threatening step towards me. I gulped and desperately looked around for Alice and Selena.

Then thankfully, Selena popped out from under a bench, followed by Alice. She walked towards Joe and stood in front of him with a furious look on her face. She stood her ground when Joe looked down at her and smirked.

"You mister," She said, and jabbed a finger at Joe's chest. "Have already messed up one of my best friends." She said, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice glare at her.

"That made me angry, and you won't like me when I'm angry." She said. Joe smirked again.

"So what are you gonna do, Hulk?" He said, earning a couple of laughs around the room. This infuriated Selena, obviously.

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