Lesson 22: Babysitting Can Cause Arguments, And Heart Breaking

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Lesson 22: Babysitting Can Cause Arguments, And Heart Breaking

(Joe's POV)

I looked at the photo on my phone and the message that came along with it. It was clearly Amber and Derek Paige kissing.

Were they in a relationship now? Did Amber know that the school Derek went to was our school's rivals?

I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated.

Why was I feeling like this? Did I like Amber? Pfft, no.

Lies. My inner voice said. I rolled my eyes, and decided to send a message back to Alice, it was obviously her who sent me the message and picture, trying to lure me back in.

That blonde chick was crazy.

Me: I will never be 'yours' again, and thanks for sending me this pic, it's going to make me try harder to get Amber.

There, that would teach her to not mess with my personal life. It was none of her business to mess with my feelings.

So you're admitting you have feelings for Amber! My inner voice declared triumphantly. I sighed.

He was good.

I kept my phone down when I heard a knock on the door. My mum entered, all dressed up.

"Darling, me, Amber's mum and Johns mum are going somewhere, so we need you and Amber to babysit Chloe and John." She said hesitantly, waiting for my reaction.

I just shrugged, but inside I was freaking out. Argh, I sounded like a girl.

"It's okay. So, Amber and Chloe are coming over here?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"Yes. So, we'll be back around... 9, and then Amber and Chloe will head back to their house. By then, John should be in bed so his mum can pick him up in the morning, after eating his dinner, also Chloe and Amber should have something to eat as well. Oh, and no sugar." She said the last part, giving me a look and I smiled sheepishly.

Long story short, when I was babysitting John, to keep him quiet while I watched a movie, I gave him 5 cupcakes. The exact opposite happened. He couldn't sleep until 11, and my mum was furious because she knew John's mum wouldn't be happy about it.

The doorbell rang. "That must be Amber's mum with her daughters and Claire. Okay, remember what I told you. Oh, and be nice to Amber and Chloe." She said, then left my room.

I decided that if Amber was going to come over, I could make myself presentable.

So I took a shower and dressed up in a t-shirt and jeans, brushed my hair a bit then headed downstairs, where I found Amber and Chloe sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"I hope you don't mind, your mum said we should make ourselves comfy, and I saw this showing so..." She trailed off as I plopped on the sofa next to her.

"I didn't see you at school today." I said casually, leaning back into my seat and watching the movie. I think Amber went a bit pink.

"I was sick." She said, and I looked her up and down, smirking a bit.

"You sure look fine." I said, and she blushed a bit, smiling then hit my shoulder.

"Shut up." She said, and I chuckled, then we went back to watching the movie.

"But seriously, where did you go?" I asked, turning to face her after 5 minutes. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Can we just drop it?" She replied, and I shook my head.

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