Lesson 34: Watching Movies With Your Crush Can Help You Get Over A Break-Up

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Lesson 34: Watching Movies With Your Crush Can Help You Get Over A Break-Up

After the Homecoming incident, Joe had driven me home. The car ride was silent because I was too embarrassed about what happened to say anything and because I was too upset to say anything about what had happened.

Also, I was really surprised.

I didn't know how to react about what Joe had did. He'd already told me he had feelings for me, and I had feelings for him, but I had just gotten out of a relationship and it was too soon to do anything about it.

It was currently 9:34AM on a Saturday, and I had just finished eating breakfast. I checked all the messages I'd gotten from Derek, reading all of them but not replying to them. But there was one that got me really irritated, so I called him.

"Amber?! Is that you?" I heard Derek ask.

"Yes," I simply answered.

"Listen, about what happened last night-" He started, but I interrupted him.

"Look, you don't need to explain it. I saw what I saw, and now we're over. But that's not why I'm calling." I said, and I heard him pause.

"Then... Why are you calling?" He asked, and I sighed.

"I was reading your text messages. And I cannot believe you used the 'I was drunk' card on me!" I exclaimed.


"That is the worst excuse someone could come up with! You know, when you're drunk you act on your feelings, so telling me, 'Babe, I'm sorry about what I did, I was drunk, please forgive me' is gonna make me even angrier." I explained.

"So, what exactly are you saying?" He asked, sounding confused.

"In the future if you decide to cheat on your girlfriend, do not and I repeat do not use the 'I was drunk' excuse if you want to keep all your body parts. I'm not really violent, but they could be." I replied.

"You know, you are one interesting girl, Amber. I just wanna say I really am sorry, and I hope that we can forget all this and in the future we can maybe be friends." He suddenly said, and I sighed again.

"Derek, what you did is unforgivable. You were my first crush, my first kiss, my first boyfriend. And you cheated on me. At Homecoming. So don't talk to me about forgiving and forgetting because you just can't." I said angrily and hung up.

I turned off my phone and went into the kitchen, where I stole-borrowed some cookie dough, a spoon and a box of tissues. I went into the living and room and grabbed a couple of my favourite romance movies then went upstairs into my room.

I kept everything I'd taken on my bed except one of the movies, 'My Fake Fiancé' and inserted it into my DVD player. I then sat on my bed, getting comfy and started the movie.


"Amber?" I heard my mum call as she knocked on the door. When I didn't reply she came inside, taking in my appearance.

I was still in the same position on my bed I was 3 hours ago, except there was tissues scattered everywhere and two empty cookie dough containers on the floor. My eyes were red and puffy and my hair was a mess. I was halfway through 'Beauty and the Briefcase' and I honestly didn't want to get interrupted.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. I sniffed.

"D-Derek c-c-cheated on m-me at H-Homecoming with M-M-Maria!" I spluttered, and then started crying again.

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