Lesson 9: Cookie Dough Is Brain Food

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Lesson 9: Cookie Dough Is Brain Food

A plan. That's all we needed. A good plan. But Alice, Selena or me couldn't think of one. We were currently at Selena's house, and we were in her room, thinking of a plan. You know in the cartoons when someone has an idea and a light bulb appears above their head?

Well, my light bulb was turned on and shining brightly.

"I've got it!" I shouted, standing up. Alice and Selena looked at me in disbelief. The looks they were giving me was saying 'Are you serious?' I smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but who cares? I'VE GOT A PLAN!" I exclaimed. Selena carefully approached me and kept a hand on my shoulder.

"Amber, how much cookie dough have you had?" She asked me. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"How'd you know I had my cookie dough?" I asked, staring at her in amazement. Alice rolled her eyes.

"It's quite obvious, you're so hyper." She said. I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. "I can't help myself!" I exclaimed.

"It's just so good!" I shouted at sat down with a dramatic sigh. Selena sat down next to me.

"Amber, too much cookie dough isn't good for you." She explained. I rolled my eyes.

"Then explain how I got a brilliant idea after stealing your cookie dough from the cup- oops!" I said, and then slapped my hand over my mouth. I looked at Selena, expecting her to scream at me. But she just laughed.

"You're funny when you're hyper!" She said, then told me to say my brilliant plan.

"Oh sorry, I have to use the toilet first." I said, standing up. Selena and Alice stared at me for a few seconds, and then Selena just nodded. I walked out of the room and into the hall way. I suddenly forgot where the bathroom was, (effects from the cookie dough, probably) and started to panic.

What if I didn't get to the toilet fast enough? What if I did find the toilet, but walk in to find Selena's dad using it? What if-

"Oww!" I said, rubbing my forehead. I didn't realize I'd been pacing, and walked into a wall. Wait a minute. I looked up and saw Selena's brother on the floor looking equally in shock.

So he was the wall.

You'd think that after being friends with Selena for so long I'd know what he brother looked like. Wrong. Selena made sure that me and Alice didn't see his brother when we started High School. She was scared that we'd only use her to get to her brother.

Now I understood why.

I could only describe him in one word: Hot!!! I just hoped he wasn't a jerk like Joe. Anyway, I quickly stood up and smiled sheepishly at him.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized. He got up as well and looked at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"And you are..." He trailed off. My eyes widened. I just remembered that since we'd never seen her brother, he'd never seen us!

"I'm Amber, Selena's best friend," I said, and gave him my hand to shake. He shook it and smiled.

"I've never seen you before Amber." He said.

"Oh, Selena made me and Alice avoid you when we started High School because she thought-" I started, and then stopped when I realized what I was going to say. I couldn't tell him that Selena thought we'd use her to get closer to him! That was me basically saying he was hot!

"What did she think would happen?" He asked. I avoided staring at him, (which was very hard) and tried to change the subject.

"Well, I don't think Selena told us what your name was," I said.

"Don't try and change the subject, Amber." He said. My smile disappeared.

"Darn, you have the same observant skills like Selena." I said, mostly to myself, but he must of heard because he laughed.

"You're funny. But I'll find out what you were going to say. And as for my name, you'll have to find out yourself. I'll see you around." He said, smiled at me then walked away. I stood there staring at his back for a few seconds when I remembered something.

Wasn't I going to go to the bathroom?


I walked back into Selena's room to see Alice and Selena standing up with crossed arms. Oh no. Selena got straight to the point.

"Were you with my brother?" She asked bluntly. I bit my lip. Should I tell the truth?

"Well, here's a funny story," I said, and laughed nervously. Selena raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I was on my way to the bathroom, when I realized I didn't know where the bathroom was... See, told you it would be funny!" I said, laughing. Alice joined in, but she wasn't laughing with me she was laughing at me.

"Y-you didn't know where the bathroom was? Haha that's pathetic!" She said, still laughing. I scowled at her.

"Oh, shut up!" I snapped, and then turned back to Selena who was giving both of us weird looks and shaking her head.

"You know, now I don't want to know what happened on your way to the bathroom- wait, you didn't know where it was!" She said then started laughing. Alice joined again and soon they were both mocking me. I rolled my eyes but smiled. At least Selena didn't know what happened, I thought.

"Oh, yeah what did happen anyway?" Selena asked when she stopped laughing. You've got to be kidding.

"Oh, look at the time, I have to go or else I'll be late for dinner!" I suddenly said. Alice looked confused.

"But it's only three o'clock." She said, raising an eyebrow. I glared at her.

"I'm going anyway, okay? Bye!" I said, and then quickly ran out of the room. That was close. I walked out of Selena's house. Then I started walking back home, looking forward to having more cookie dough. Who knew you could do so much silly things when you're hyper?

Today's Lesson: Cookie Dough Is Brain Food


Hello again!!

I'm in a good mood because Pranking The Playboy has OVER 2000 READS!!!! OMG! That's awesome, thanks guys so much! (Did that make sense? lol) 

What do you guys thnk Selena's brothers name is? Whoever guesses it will get a dedication on the next chapter!  Here's a clue, his name starts with a 'D' then an 'E' and ends with a 'K'. Don't forget to vote, fan and share!

Thanks, and BYE!!! :)

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