Lesson 4: Us Girls Are Meant To Stick Together No Matter What

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Lesson 4: Us Girls Are Meant To Stick Together No Matter What

I nervously walked up to Joe. When I was near him, I tried to act as if I wasn't bothered that he was standing in front of my locker so casually.

"Excuse me, but your blocking my way." I told Joe, trying to act cool. I was doing a pretty good job.

"I know I am." He said, smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you move please?" I asked him.

He had the nerve to lean against my locker.

"Nah, I'm comfortable here." He teased. I crossed my arms over my chest in annoyance. Why was he so impossible and stubborn?

"Why are you here again?" I asked him. He looked down at me and reached into his pocket.

"I'm here to return this" He said, and brought out the note we left for him. I looked at it in surprise.

"What did you do with the doll clothes?" I asked him. He smirked.

"Maybe I burned them last night while laughing evilly." He said and walked away. I smiled and shook my head.

Wait, what?


A few hours later it was lunch and Alice, Selena and me, along with the rest of the pupils was sitting down in the cafeteria and eating disgusting food. I looked at my burger, or whatever it was meant to be. I thought it was a burger because it had circle-shaped crusty bread at the bottom; some hard black stuff in the middle, what I think was ketchup on the black stuff and more bread on top.

I took a bite out of the burger, then immediately regretted it. I grabbed a tissue and spat it out in the tissue. I stood up and was about to throw the rest of my 'burger' in the bin but Selena stopped me.

"Wait! Listen, Joe's going to make an announcement." She said. So I sat down and looked at where Joe was... with his arm around a pretty redhead.

I frowned, and looked at Selena who was doing the same. Then I looked at Alice, her face was pale and her lips were trembling. Selena turned around and saw Alice too. She shook her head in disappointment. Then we focused on Joe.

"This was meant to be a secret relationship," The redhead started.

"But you're our friends so you deserve to know." She said, and turned to look at Joe.

"Katy and I have decided to have an official relationship!" He said, and the whole cafeteria cheered. I raised an eyebrow. Dramatic much? So now they'll be the new 'it' couple.

Suddenly, Alice burst into tears and ran out of the cafeteria. I looked at Selena, signalling for her to go after Alice while I dealt with Joe. She nodded and ran after the cafeteria.

I slammed my tray down on the table as hard I as could, making a really loud bang. That caught everyone's attention. I grabbed my 'burger' and walked towards Joe with an angry expression.

"How could you?" I shouted at him.

"Listen, whatever your name is, what we had, wasn't really anything. It was just a mistake." He said and smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why would I have a relationship with a self-centred jerk like you?" I shouted. Everyone gasped. Again, isn't that a bit dramatic?

But I didn't care. I was on a roll. Cussing the school's playboy was totally on my bucket list.

"You broke my best friends' heart, and then you announced in front of her that you was in a new relationship when she just started to get over your break up with her?" I shouted.

"Oh, and did I mention it was over the phone?" I said, and this time even Katy gasped.

"Here, take my burger. I'm sure it'll make a good start to your meal!" I shouted, and shoved the rest of the 'burger' into his face. Then I stormed away to go and find Alice and Selena. While I was walking away everyone started clapping.

I turned around and saw Katy say a few words to Joe, get her drink, poor it all over him, then walk away. I smiled at her and she sent me a wink in return.

Amber: 1 Joe: 0


"There you are!" I said when I found Alice and Selena. "I was looking for you everywhere!" I exclaimed. When no-one replied I became worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, and sat down next to them. Selena glared at me.

"Well, Alice saw Joe at your locker today, and he handed you a note with something written on it." Selena said. My eyes widened. "Care to explain?"

"I-it's not what it looks like!" I stuttered. Then I mentally slapped myself. That's what everyone says when they've been caught doing something they weren't supposed to do!

"Then what happened?!" Alice suddenly shouted at me, standing up.

"Because from where I was, it looked like my ex-boyfriend was asking you on a date and giving you his phone number, which you, my best friend, gladly accepted! So to cover up your tracks, you put on the little show in the cafeteria. You didn't do it for me, you did it for yourself!" She screamed. I stood up and clenched my fists.

"Is that what you think happened? I've known you for as long as I remember and that's the type of person you think I am? You jump to conclusions so quickly without having any proof! I did not put on a show just for my benefit! I did it for you!" I shouted.

Alice and Selena looked shocked. So was I. That was the loudest I'd shouted at them before, and I didn't shout often. Alice sighed.

"I'm sorry Amber. It's just that I was so jealous when I saw Joe at your locker, and when he told everyone he was in a relationship with Katy I just lost it. You're right; I do jump to conclusions so quickly." She said and sat down again.

"Hey, how about we have a group hug?" Selena said. So we did.

Today's Lesson: Us Girls Are Meant To Stick Together No Matter What


Hey guys!

Sorry for taking so long to upload lesson 4! Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed it and please ignore any mistakes you come across. Lesson 5 will come soon!

Until then, eat pancakes! :)

P.S Pic of Alice on the side.

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