Lesson 16: Maria Can Really Influence People

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Lesson 16: Maria Can Really Influence People

So there I was, heading towards the park with Hugo. I had to admit, I was a bit scared of Selena's reaction. She would probably send him back, but I couldn't allow what because he could get run over by a car or something! Sure, Hugo was a handful, but he was the only thing left I had of-

"AMBER!! WHAT THE HECK?" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw a fuming Selena. Oh no. And she was coming this way. Double oh no.

"Why is your dog here?!" She shouted. I struggled to not run away in fear. When Selena was angry, she was scary.

"Well, he wanted a walk and I just couldn't leave him there..." I said. Selena looked at me in disbelief.

"Why couldn't you just leave- you know what? This is wasting time. Let's just get to work!" Selena said, sighing. I sighed in relief.

That argument could go on for ages.

I walked towards the equipment bag and took my video camera. Then I, Selena and Hugo started walking to the shopping centre, to take our plan into action.

Selena's idea was genius. Since we kind of wanted Alice back on our side, we had to make her realize that we were her true friends, and not Maria. So we kept a note in Maria's locker, which was apparently from Joe, and we asked her to meet us in the food court inside Starbucks.

We did the same to Alice, keeping a note in her locker which was apparently from Joe, to meet him at the food court inside Starbucks. So when they saw each other, they'd get into an argument and Alice would come back on our side.

Genius, right?

In case you're wondering, I took the video camera, to well, video everything. Selena and I would confront Alice in school about it, and if she denied, we'd show her the video. Being the sensitive girl she is, she'll probably break down and we'd all make up and take Maria down together!

I made up that last part.

Anyway, after tons of walking we arrived at the food court. Thankfully it wasn't too far away from our houses. We walked into Starbucks and sat down at the end booth which was near the window, so no-one could really see us if they came in or walked out.


Selena, Hugo, and I all turned to look at who came in. It was Alice! Selena and I looked at each other and grinned. Hugo barked and I shushed him. Animals weren't allowed in the shop, but I somehow snuck him inside. He'd been strangely quiet up 'till when he just barked.


And there Maria. I started to video. Alice and Maria hadn't seen each other yet, thankfully. Then Maria walked up to the counter to place her order, where Alice was as well. The looks on their faces were priceless! Selena and I grinned at each other again, and Hugo barked. I shushed him and carried on videoing. Maria grabbed Alice and pulled her to a booth near ours.

"What are you doing here?!" Maria hissed. Alice narrowed her eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing!" She retorted, crossing her arms. Maria scoffed and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm here to meet someone, actually. Is there something wrong about that?!" She retorted, and Alice paled. Here comes the drama!

"Maria, who are you here to meet?" She whispered. Selena and I grinned at each other. Hugo barked. I shushed him and carried on videoing.

Maria looked guilty for a moment, but then she had her signature smirk again. "My boyfriend, Joe." She said and Alice gasped. Ex-boyfriend.

"B-but... the agreement.... I thought- what?!" Alice stuttered. Maria cackled- I mean laughed.

"Look Alice, I know we had an agreement and all, but you can't get in the way of true love." She stated, sipping her drink. Where did that come from?

Sorcery, guys.

"You had something with Joe, but now he's mine so back off, or you'll be sorry." She threatened, smiled sweetly, and walked away like she was on a catwalk.

Me and Selena grinned at each other. Hugo barked twice, quite loudly. I tried to quiet him down but the waitress had already heard. She looked our way.

"Do you have a dog inside here?" She asked incredulously. Selena and I looked at each other with wide eyes and gulped.

"No, Hugo is a cat..." I said, trailing off when I realized how stupid that sounded. Clearly, he was a dog.

"I'm sorry, but you need to leave. Now." She said harshly, and pointed at the door. Me and Selena, and Hugo stood up and headed towards the door.

"Selena, Amber?" Someone said before we went outside. We turned around and saw Alice looking at us with an angry expression.

"Hi?" I said weakly, and waved. Really Amber?

"You guys did this, didn't you? You set this all up!" She exclaimed and we gulped again. I think Hugo did to. Alice laughed bitterly.

"I knew it. You just couldn't stay away from me. You were so jealous, that you decided to break up my friendship with Maria! How sick." She said. Me and Selena did a double take.

"The only thing that's sick here is your outfit. Come on Amber, let's go." Selena retorted, ignoring Alice's shocked expression. But she was right. Alice usually wore nice and loose clothes, not clothes that clung to her body and skirts that were obviously too tight for her.

When we got outside I high-fived Selena. "Selena, that was so funny!" I exclaimed, and she gave me a sad smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Amber, we've lost her. Kind and sensitive Alice is gone, in replace, that." She spat. I sighed.

"What are we going to do, Selena? We need to get the old Alice back." I said. Selena looked at me. I looked at her.

"We need Joe's help."

Today's Lesson: Maria Can Really Influence People


Ooh, cliff hanger!

So, what do you guys think of this chapter! I bet you hate Alice more than ever now! I have to admit, I kinda do as well. But then again, I kinda do feel sorry for her! It's Maria we should really hate!

Anyway, what do you think Selena's plan is about Joe? Will he agree? Will there be some Joe and Amber moments in the next chapter? Oh, and what do you think Amber was talking about at the beginning of the chapter? About Hugo?  Well, that's for you to find out. ;)

So, please vote and comment, there's probably some mistakes somewhere so just ignore them. Random song today!


 P.S Do you guys want Maria to be anyone in the cast? If so, who? Give me ideas!

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