Lesson 24: Never Misjudge The Trouble A Dumb Blonde A.K.A Alice Can Cause

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Lesson 24: Never Misjudge The Trouble A Dumb Blonde A.K.A Alice Can Cause

I immediately walked to my locker, ignoring all the stares I was getting. That's what happened if you rode with Joe Smith to school!

I seriously needed to leave the house earlier.

Anyway, I headed straight to my locker, taking the books I would need for my first class, when I heard someone calling me. I turned around and saw Selena walking towards me.

"Hey." I greeted when she reached me, and she smiled.

"'Sup, bestie?" She said, and we linked arms then started walking to our class. I gave her a weird look.

"Why are you such in a good mood today?" I asked her, and she smiled.

"Remember today we get revenge on Maria for what she did to you!" Selena replied and I nodded, pursing my lips.

"Do we really have to? Do you think we're taking it a bit too far?" I asked, and Selena rolled my eyes.

"Remember what she did to you? Trying to ruin our friendship? That went too far. She deserves everything we're going to do to her." Selena replied, and I nodded and smiled.

But if Selena was right, why did I get a feeling we were punishing the wrong person?


It was finally lunch time, and Selena and I were sitting on our usual table, chatting about our revenge.

"I can't wait 'till the video plays in Assembly!" She exclaimed, and I laughed at her eagerness.

"How did you get those photos anyway?" I asked her curiously, taking a bite out of my pizza.

You see, our plan was to play a video of Maria's 'before' and 'after' nose job, which she had. Selena somehow had photos of it, and we made them into a video, which was going to play in Assembly, thanks to Derek's awesome hacking skills.

"Well, before me and Maria became enemies, we were best friends, just like you and me now." Selena explained, and I raised my eyebrows.

"When she was 14, since she'd always hated her nose, she decided she was going to get a nose job. Since her parents are filthy rich, they obviously payed for it and she also told me to take before and after pictures of it, and I kept some." Selena admitted.

"I knew I'd probably need them someday, and the day has come!" She finished, and I clapped.

"But still, she didn't publicly embarrass me, she just threatened me a bit, aren't we taking it to a whole new level? And won't she fight back?" I asked, having second thoughts.

"Amber, of course she'll fight back, and we'll be prepared obviously. That brat deserves a taste of her own medicine for once." Selena growled clenching her fists.

"She must've been bad, huh?" I asked quietly. Selena glanced at me.

"You have no idea." She replied, and we both stood up when the bell rang. We dumped our trash in the bin and headed straight to the Assembly hall, where everyone was.

When we were inside, after pushing out way through the massive crowd, we sat down a row behind from where Maria and Alice were sitting.

Alice caught my eye and smirked then whispered something in Maria's ear. Maria looked at us and laughed out loud, smirking back at us and whispering something in Alice's ear and she cackled loudly.

"Ya know, you two laugh like old ladies, right?" Selena shouted at them, making me laugh and they shut up immediately, glaring at us.

"Ya know your hair looks like a mammal made a nest, had babies in it and they all died? Oh, and you smell like it to!" Maria replied, pinching her nose, and Alice laughed. I saw Selena go a bit red.

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