Lesson 1 : Never Date A Playboy

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Lesson 1: Never Date A Playboy

I looked up from my phone when I heard my bedroom door opening, gasping at what I saw.

I stared at my best friend Alice in horror when she walked into my room. Her usually curly blonde hair was messy and tangled, her beautiful face was smeared with eyeliner and mascara and she was wearing a baggy T-shirt with jogging bottoms. No, this wasn't right.

I kept my phone down, stood up and approached her carefully.

"I don't bite." She said jokingly, and then burst into tears. I looked at her with concern written all over my face. I wanted to ask a whole lot of questions, but I knew I had to comfort my best friend. The questions could wait.

"It's okay Alice. Everything will be alright." I said while I hugged her. She cried and cried until I decided I had to call Selena. She would know what to do.

I got my phone out of my jeans pocket and dialled her number. After 3 rings she answered it.

"What is it Amber?" She asked. I explained everything to her, how Alice looked, and how she was crying right now.

"Right, I'm coming over right now. I'll see you in 7 minutes." She said and hung up. I kept my phone in my pocket and lead her to my bed. We sat down and I waited for her to stop crying. When she finally stopped, she turned to face me.

"You must be wondering why I'm like this," She started. I nodded. She took a deep breath.

"Well, you know how I said I was dating a guy? And I never told you who he was?" She asked. I nodded again. She never did tell me and Selena who the mystery guy was.

"I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would be angry. So I kept it a secret, until he broke my heart." She explained, and the tears started spilling again.

"Who is he?" I asked gently. But I already knew who he was. She looked at me and I could see the pain in her brown eyes.

"Joe Smith." She whispered, and then started crying again.

"What?" A voice demanded angrily. Me and Alice both looked in the direction of where the voice came from. It was Selena.

"Did you say Joe Smith was that so-called guy you were dating?!" She asked, and stormed up to us. I gulped.

"We warned you to stay away from him Alice. We'd always seen the way you looked at him, then you started dating him behind our backs even though you knew you'd get your heart broken anyway?!" She said. Alice and I gulped. Then Alice started crying again.

Selena's anger-filled eyes showed concern and sadness when Alice started crying.

"It's okay Al. We'll get that good-for-nothing playboy back soon. I just need a plan." She said, and started pacing around my room.

"Girls, we're having a sleepover!" She finally said, then looked at Alice.

"I'll get her cleaned up." I said, and took her to the bathroom. On the way we bumped into my mum, and she looked at Alice worriedly.

"Are you okay dear?" She asked. Alice and I exchanged glances.

"Mum, is it okay if Alice and Selena and I have a sleepover today?" I asked quickly to change the subject. My mum frowned, and then looked at Alice who was giving my mum her best puppy dog face. It looked cute even in this situation.

"Why not." My mum finally said. I smiled at her and took Alice to the bathroom. After I'd finished washing off all the make up and brushing away all the tangles in her hair, we'd went back to my room.

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