Lesson 7: Always Take The Things You Need From Your Locker First

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Lesson 7: Always Take The Things You Need From Your Locker First

After I finished my lunch I checked the time on my phone. I still had 15 minutes until lunch was over. I looked at Selena who was listening to music. She didn't look like she was in the mood for a conversation. Anyway, I gently tapped her shoulder.

Actually, I punched it roughly. She took her ear buds out of her ears and glared at me.

"What's so important that you have to interrupt the song I'm listening to?" She asked.

"I'm going to the library to sleep- I mean read. Text me when lunch is over." I told her. She looked at me sceptically.

"If you'll be reading then why do I need to text you when lunch is over?" She asked. My eyes widened. I hadn't thought of that.

"Um, well you see I'll be so... into the book that I might forget what the time is, consequently I'll get another detention for being late. That's why I need you to text me." I said, smiling. That was a good answer.

Selena nodded, putting her ear buds on her ears again. "Okay." She said, then went back to listening to music. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my bag then headed to the library for a good long sleep- I mean read.



I woke up, taking my phone. I looked at the time, I still had 7 minutes until lunch was over! Why the heck did Selena wake me up? I looked at the text she'd sent me.

Selena: You HAVE to see this. Alice is doing a special dance routine with some other girls to 'Never getting back together'! COME QUICK!! :P

I grabbed my bag, ignored the glares I was getting from the librarian, (she probably saw me sleeping) and ran out of the library. I walked into the cafeteria just in time to see Alice and her little group bowing and Joe and his friends looking embarrassed.

I still clapped anyway, even though I didn't see anything. I might have been clapping for too long and too loud because soon everyone was staring at me. I blushed and looked at my feet.

That's the last time I'm ever gonna clap for a long time.


A few hours later it was time for everyone to go home. I was walking to my locker to get my stuff and go home, when Joe walked up to me. Let me repeat myself: A few hours later it was time for everyone to go home. I was walking to my locker to get my stuff and go home, when Joe walked up to me.

"What do you want?" I asked, slamming my locker shut, crossing my arms and looking up at him. He leaned forward, looked me in the eye and kissed my cheek. I gasped, touching the place where his lips pecked me.

"You'll regret ever pranking the playboy." He whispered in my ear, winked at me and walked away. I stood there, looking after him in shock. I heard a cough and turned around. Selena was standing there with her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised.

"Before you say anything what you just saw was . . . a big surprise for me." I quickly said. When I saw she wasn't going to say anything I carried on.

"There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING going on between me and Joe. Just please don't tell Alice!" I pleaded. She walked towards me.

"If there's nothing going on between you and Joe, why did he just walk up to you and kiss you on the cheek, and why don't you want me to tell Alice?" Selena asked.

"Tell me what?" Alice said, skipping up to us. I internally groaned. Could things get any worse?

Alice beamed at me. "Amber, did you see my little performance? Everyone loved it! And if you saw Joe's face!" She exclaimed. I tried to smile.

"Well, I was, um . . ." I started.

"Joe kissed her on her cheek!" Selena suddenly blurted out. I glared at her and she sent me an apologetic look.

"Selena, you idiot! Why'd you do that?!" I hissed. Selena looked at her feet.

"Alice had to know!" She muttered. I was about to strangle her when I saw Alice running to the girls bathroom. Not again.

"I'll deal with you later." I growled at Selena, and then ran after Alice. I walked into the girls' bathroom which was thankfully empty, and stood outside the stall Alice was crying in.

"Alice?" I said. No reply.

"Alice!" I tried again. No reply.

"Ali-" I started but she cut me off.

"Go. Away." She said.

"Not until you listen to me!" I replied. Suddenly the stall's door swung open, nearly hitting me. Alice stepped out. There was no tear stains, no red eyes, just a really angry face.

"Listen, Amber," She started, taking a step forwards.

"The first time I caught you and Joe having one of you moments you denied it. Since I've been your best friend for God knows how long I believed you." She said.

"But when I saw you always glancing at Joe and Joe always glancing on you, I had second thoughts." She said, her voice rising.

"Then today when Selena told me Joe kissed you on your cheek, I knew that you're dating my ex, also the school's playboy behind my back!" She shouted. In situations like this, you have to be really serious. But the idea of Joe, and me dating was so hilarious I just had to laugh.

"You think this is funny?!" Alice screamed. I stopped laughing immediately. I'd never seen her this angry.

"Amber, you don't understand how it was to feel like you're on cloud nine then to fall back on earth again!" She shouted, approaching me.

"You don't know how it feels, how I felt when Joe broke up wi- walked off with another girl!" She screamed, pausing a bit in the sentence. Weird.

Anyway, prepare yourself for this part. Alice just looked so funny I let out a little giggle. Then she did something I never thought she'd ever do to me or Selena.

She slapped me.

We both gasped. Alice looked at her hand in horror, and I looked in the mirror. I saw the red mark on my left cheek.

"That night was special Amber." Alice carried on, her voice trembling. "It was our one month anniversary!" She said. My jaw dropped. They'd been dating for A MONTH?!

"I'm sorry Amber, not for slapping you, but because you have to deal with Joe. Don't say I didn't warn you, because he will break your heart, just like her broke mine." She said, and then ran out of the girls bathroom, leaving me shocked.

Today's Lesson: Always Take The Things You Need From Your Locker First


¡hola! :)

Okay, be honest, did you think Alice would do that to Amber? I know you didn't! Anyway, comment below and what language you think I said hello in! (It is quite obvious) The song for this chapter ISN'T RANDOM, Also please comment on what the song means.


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