Chapter 5 part 1

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And then she suddenly stood up.....

and closed her laptop

And when I saw her standing up I also jolted from my seat and asked her "do you... do you need something ?"

Then she looked at my direction and said "I am about to go home now ",
"isn't it time to close the cafe?",

I looked at the clock and its 10 minutes to 11 and said with a surprising tone "ahhh...!!" ,
"Yes right. Its time to close the café "

After that she packed up all her stuff and left the café

and I too started cleaning the counter and completing the left out chores of the café and after some time when all of my work was done , I switched off all the lights of the café and locked the door and as i was making sure that the door is locked properly

Suddenly I heard a voice - "hey...." ,
"excuse me !!"

which startled me and i looked towards the source of the voice which turned out to be my dream girl.....!!!!!

After getting out of my startled State I replied to her "yes, do you need anything else..??? "

then she said " its open" ,

Which made me confused and the only words i could utter from my mouth were "huh... where " , "oh my, could it be "
and then I look down to check if I am in any awkward position , ohh man this is embarrassing... !!!

but everything is fine down there so I looked towards her again and she pointed towards the glass door and said "no no.. the sign on the door , it should be closed "

then I look at the glass door and I realized that I didn't change the sign of the door its still shows the open sign.

Then I smile awkwardly at her and say "ahhh...." , "sorry".

she takes out a packet of coconut tapioca cookies from her bag which was earlier swinging in the air and offers them to me "here , for you ."

then I smile at her say "oh, thank you so much of these.... you know these are one of my favorite cookies"

Then she says "mention not...!!!" ,
"so are you heading towards the university's dormitory? "
then I give her an awkward laugh and say "no but somewhere around the private building near that area "

then she says with a smile " I think we are headed towards the same direction, so if you don't mind would you like to go together ?"

Then I just look at her and think about the situation we are in... well I mean I am a guy but even I get afraid sometimes when I go back home at this hour especially around that shady alley that is 2 blocks before my apartment building and if she is going towards the university's dormitory then that is just after that alley so in that case if we go separately I would be worried for her.

Then she taps on my right shoulder and asks me again "aahhhhh.... so are you okay if we go together"

Then I snap out of my train of thoughts and give her a smile "yes... yes I am okay with that " while moving my head up and down twice.

Then I take a look at the keys that were still in my hands and I remembered that I need to change the sign on the door then i said to her " may I have a moment please , I need to change the sign on the door "

Then she says laughingly "yes of course "

After changing the sign on the glass door and making sure that the door is locked properly I turned around her and said
" we are good to go now"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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