Chapter 2

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Tine's pov

Where am I???
which place is this??   
I look around to understand the situation i am in, but suddenly i felt a different sensation in my hands then i look towards my right hand what i saw left speechless for a moment .

I see a hand intertwined with mine,
and I can feel the softness of the hands that are holding mine,
it feels so different i feel giddy inside,

As I shift my vision from our intertwined hands to the owner of the hands
i see a beautiful pair of eyes, and just by looking at them I can feel how happy she must be,

She is laughing and talking animatedly with me and is rushing me to go somewhere with her and I just follow her with our hands still intertwined, and during the time in which she is practically dragging me somewhere I have no idea of,
I take a moment to look at her and she is someone I have always been looking for...
my ideal kind of girl.

She takes me to a park and she looks at me happily and says
"ahhh, I am so happy, today is finally the day that I have been waiting for,
I still cannot believe, I am doing this. "

Then she lets go my hand and says to me
 "hey close your eyes, I need to say something to you...
no actually I need you to know something...
no I want to tell you something .. ahhh just close your eyes , will you ?
okay come here ,let me help you"

then she closes my eyes with her hands and is taking me inside the park then after some time she takes her hands off from my eyes , and says
" Ai'tine you can open your eyes now "

When I open my eyes I see a huge tree which  is decorated with fairy lights and on the branches of the tree there are different kind of papers hanging with one word written on each paper then I start reading it
" I ,

And then I hear a loud sound and see the shadow of someone walking towards me with a bouquet of flowers as the person approaches me the annoying noise keep increasing then I try to close my ears with my hands but the noise won't stop so I hit something with my right hand and the annoying noise finally stops then my vision starts to get blurry and eventually darkness makes it way inside my eyes.

I suddenly jolt up from my sleep and blink my eyes a few times then I look at my left and then at my right side then it hits me, I just had a dream and whoa that to a lucid dream, then I took my phone from my bedside table and look at the time and its 6:30 AM in the morning and then I sign in contentment.

I happily get up from my bed with the memories of the dream still wandering inside my head, then I look at my friend ohm who is still sleeping soundly on my bed and let me tell you he's a really heavy sleeper. And every time he has a sleepover at my place I have a hard time in waking him up.

So I do my morning routine and get ready to go to my university, its 8'o clock by now and I am all ready to attend the first official lectures of this semester, as I skipped 'RAPNONG' which is orientation program/ welcoming ceremony for the first year students so I don't know a single person in the university besides my friend ohm who is not going to be with me for a few upcoming days. I just sign and make sure that ohm is fully awake before I leave for the university, he did offered to drop me off to the university but I declined his offer as it would be inconvenient for him because he has a flight to catch which is in 3 hrs and he needs to go to his home and pack for his trip tok, so I just head out for my university which is at a walking distance of 15 minutes from my apartment.

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