Author's note

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( This is just some random stuff you can skip it and start reading the chapter 1 )

Hello everyone...!!!
the writer of the story here, you can call me ZAHC...!!!

This is my first fan fiction ever.

A fact about about my life....
I rarely watch any ongoing series/drama(i am a kdrama addict) coz i am a very impatient person

But when 2gether the series was aired and its 1st episode was out i kept seeing its short clips on Instagram and extended vedios and edits on YouTube every now and then....

Then i was like lets just watch it and after watching the 1st episode i was like the show is pretty good... then my FriGays were booked with 2gther the series and after the 3 rd episode i got so much into it that i felt like lets read the novel and after searching for an hour or so i finally found the english translation of the book and then i read the story and after reading the book i got attached to the characters of sarawat and tine...

And tbh Win is such a good actor... Its like when you see him for the 1st time you'd be like yaa he's good...but I've seen better but his personality is so charming its like slow poison it effects are slow and steady and then finally you get intoxicated by his charms, and that was the case with me...... i got so obsessed with him that i cannot actually describe it in words...

Lets just say this person here is #METAWHIPPED...😁😁😁😁

Any ways back to the main story i got hooked to 2gether the series and after that i started reading 2gether fan fictions, (you can see my reading list for this) so my obsession reached its next level when I finally decided to write a fanfic myself 😁😁😁

so here it is people....!!!!

I am just trying my best to deliver you a story I really liked.

It is based on a webtoon turned into a web series .

This is rant (personal Rant)
You can basically say that this person here is whipped #WinWhipped / #MetaWhipped AKA #MetaWinWhipped....
I just love our cute little bunny though he isn't little at all... I read in an article that his height is somewhere around 6ft plus . Oh God imagine a person who is 6 ft. tall and people like me who are nowhere close to that... well sorry for letting you know this extra information and a not so good personal obsession of mine
( if you guys don't like it, I'd recommend you to stop reading 'coz I am going to do this a hell lot of times.. like probably in every other chapter so be ready for reading my rants...
I want a place to express all my thoughts without affecting anyone else in particular and also to find some people who share the same interests as me so suit yourself people. )

Some things I need you guys know -

1. New chapter once in a month on Thursday/Friday depends

2. if you feel like I made mistakes in taking the characters or that it should have been X instead of Y or something like that .. then sorry but I am not going to change it. I've given a lot of thought while writing this story so just let things be the way they are..

3. And there are going to mistakes and may be a lot...(though I'll try my best to write the story with my best knowledge and without errors ) so if you find any mistakes with the grammar or the plot anywhere please let me know I'd be thankful for your suggestions ...


18 September update...!!!

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