Chapter 4

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After parting our ways I headed to the café ,  the name of the café is 'Mee Noi's Café' where i have my part time job interview and after my interview  the café owner hired me and said I can start working today.

\ meaning of Mee noi- little bear \

Then the owner excused himself and now that I am alone inside the café and not as  nervous as i was before I take a  look around the café , it gives a cozy vibe.
The cafe has around 6-7 tables which are for two persons and the walls here are pastel colored and outer wall has glass displays which gives you the feeling of being the part of the hustle and bustle of the city but at the same time you are alone as well.
And as for the entrance of the café there is a glass door which is decorated with fairy lights.

Then the owner came back and explained me the things I need to do along with the snacks and drinks they serve here,
for the snacks i don't have to do much i'll just have to take them out form the display and they are ready to be served and as for the drinks they are easy i can handle them so fine,
then the owner handed me the keys and told me the timings to close the café and left the café in my care .

Now that the café is in my care then I finally start working for my part time job first thing first.
and this is a proper uniform which in my case is an apron, so I start by wearing an apron around my waist , then I start sweeping the floor after that I clean all the tables with a cloth after that I start cleaning the things around the ordering/cash counter or the place where i would be staying most of the time.

When all of these things are completed and there is no customer in my sight I thought i should do something so i started doodling some cute things on the menu card and i wondered about the things I was able to do today, then I thought of telling all of these things to ohm.

Then I took out my Bluetooth device and connected it with my phone and called him, after 6  rings he finally picked up the phone and we started our bro talks....

"hey, ai'ohm how are you ?

"i am good ai'tine, how are you ?",
"how was your day?"

"i am doing just fine but i would have been better if you were
here but anyways i attended my classes today
and you know i was somehow able to go through
that all alone, i still cannot believe it  ",

 " and today I was able to make a friend like you suggested me
though it was because of the assignment, well it worked out
somehow and guess who got himself  a part time job today?"

"what really dude...!!!
congrats see i told you,
you just need to open up a bit and you'll be able to do everything  
 ai' are doing great...  i am so happy for you..!!!!"

"  where are you ? are you still in Delhi ?",
"you have been there for a long time"

"yes it was somewhere near Delhi the auto expo ended finally
and ai'tine it was so good.. and there were a few future tech
 cars also i'll  send you some picture of them
they are meant to be shared, i enjoyed it so much and 
 i still have a few days before my semester starts,
 so i was thinking of visiting some places,
and ai'tine the food here is so delicious if you were
here you would have totally loved it "

\they are talking about auto expo 2020 which was held in delhi \

"wow dude sounds so good i wish i was there with you
and do share the pictures of the cars and well lets just not talk 
about food my mouth is watering just by the thought of  it.... 
and i think your semester starts in a week or so right??
 so i think you have a few days to travel "

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