Chapter 3

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'My assignment is doomed' with this thought going inside my head, I gather all of my things from the my desk and keep them in my bag and then get up from my seat and turn towards my right side and start to walk away from my desk and thinking of the solution to my problem.

I'll have to find people who are alone like me and that to by evening, or maybe I should do this assignment by myself that would save me a hell lot of trouble

While I was lost in my thoughts suddenly I see a guy with long black hair standing in front of me and he says "you don't have a partner right"

Then he he puts his hands on my shoulder and turns me into a full 180 degree and starts pushing me with full force and says "looks like he doesn't have one either, let's go "

And I am now standing at the end of the 2nd row with my head down feeling confused with what was going on around me and as I look up I see a guy with a bag hanging around his right shoulder looking straight into my eyes

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And I am now standing at the end of the 2nd row with my head down feeling confused with what was going on around me and as I look up I see a guy with a bag hanging around his right shoulder looking straight into my eyes.

And I am now standing at the end of the 2nd row with my head down feeling confused with what was going on around me and as I look up I see a guy with a bag hanging around his right shoulder looking straight into my eyes

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(Imagine that he is not wearing any cap and is wearing a button down white shirt  )

Then the guy who literally dragged me says  "how about we team up, what do you think ?" raising his right eyebrow.

I look at him with a visible frown on my face and after what he just said this guy just teamed up himself with people who he just met and that to without asking them if they want this or not, well it works for me anyway it'll save my time.

But then the guy with the shoulder bag suddenly  spoke "I'm more comfortable doing  it alone "

Then the guy with long hair took a step forward and said
"well... you see our professor thinks that team work is really important, so unless there is a natural disaster,  he won't give you scores more than 45 %   if you do your assignment alone "

Then i start panicking internally Oh god...!!!!  What....????? 45% , no.. no this is not good, its my first assignment and I cannot mess this up at any cost. I will have to work with them i don't have any way out of this

Then the guy with the shoulder bag shrugged and then he turned around and was about to leave

And in this current situation i need to team up with them, no matter how weird these guys are so when I saw him leaving I just grabbed his wrist and he turned around and stared at my hand which was holding his wrist so I let go of his hand and said to him "ca...can we just do this together?  The professor won't score us more than 45% " and I gave him the best puppy look I could give him which is my ultimate weapon which I use whenever I need to convince someone and when I saw no reaction from him i said to him "please " giving him the most pleading look I can come up with.

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