Chapter 25- Alive, Sort Of

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Third Person POV~

"Lily?" Hope asks as she moves closer to the Salvatore.

But before Hope could reach her, Lily stood and backed away.

"Hope. Get away from me." Lily says as she moves further back until Hope stopped walking.

"Lily? Hey, it's okay-" Hope tries to console, but Lily raises her voice.

"Hope, get out. I don't want you here." Lily says with a raised voice. Before anything else can be said, Hope gets thrown out of the crypt and it becomes sealed shut by magic.

Shocked by what she did on accident, Lily slowly sits down in the corner of the room and looks at the moonlight coming through the stained glass, ignoring the calls from the tribrid outside.

Thinking quickly, Lily took off her necklace and placed it in her hands before mumbling a spell. In the blink of an eye, the necklace was gone.


Caroline was sitting with her friends and daughters by the lit fireplace when she felt something appear in her coat pocket.

Moving and grabbing the item, Caroline freeze's when she sees it.

"Caroline? What is it?" Bonnie asks when she notices the blonde go still.

"I need all of you to stay here." Is all Caroline says before speeding off to find one of the blonde Mikaelson's.

"Rebekah!" Caroline calls out in the hallway, effectively stopping the Original's movements. "I need you to come with me. Now."

Rebekah didn't need to be told twice after hearing the urgency in Caroline's voice, she just started following Caroline.

"Where are we going?" Rebekah asks as they get to the front doors. Caroline raises the Salvatore necklace, making the Original recognize it immediately. "To my daughter. I just need to grab something from my office." Caroline says before speeding and coming back in seconds. "Let's go." Rebekah replies, and they speed away.


"Hope?" The two blonde vampires ask when they see the tribrid sitting there. "Aunt Bex, Caroline- Lily, she-" "I know sweety. It's gonna be ok. Go with Rebekah, I'll take care of Lily " Caroline told her as she walked up the steps.

Rebekah didn't give Hope a chance to say no before speeding away with her.

Lily's POV~


That's all I can remember.

And that's all I saw when I opened my eyes.

The sounds around me were loud and screeching, like a microphone trying to connect.

After accidentally blasting Hope out of the crypt with magic, I didn't know what to do.

I just want my mom.

Then I got an idea. Quickly, I took off my necklace and sent it to her. Hopefully, she knows what that would mean.

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