Chapter 12- Possess Me Instead

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Lily's POV~

When I woke up, Hope wasn't there, but she left a note on the nightstand.

I didn't want to wake you, you seemed like you needed sleep. Went to school already, see you soon. -With all my love, Hope

I smiled at the note and got up to get dressed, my classes start today but I only have one today and it's not till later. When I took my shirt off, I almost screamed. There was this weird rash on my left hip area. This made me groan. Getting dressed quickly, since this rash put me in a bad mood, I decided to show it through my outfit. Black, tight leather pants, white lace off the shoulder top that covers the rash, but shows a little bit of cleavage, a red blazer with the school's logo, and red heels.

Walking out of my room, I head straight to my sisters' room. I'm about to knock when the headmaster walks out. "Well good morning Miss Salvatore, ready for classes today?" He asks and I just ignore him and walk into my sisters' room shutting the door. "Why was he in here?" I ask Josie. She looks away and then goes to say something but someone called on the intercom for anyone who can speak Japanese to go to the front gates of the school. Looking at each other with questioning looks, we walk out of her room together and go to the front gates.


"Dude I'm gonna find someone who can understand you, but I need to know that you're not going to go all stabby-" Dorian states as Josie and I walk up. Josie takes the lead in talking to the weird-looking man and I just listen. "Since when do you speak Japanese?" Dorian asks and I laugh a little before answering him, "Since Lizzie's old therapist office was next to a Japanese language school. But I also know French, Russian, and Latin."

The man starts speaking and Dorian asks what is he saying. "He's... Crazed?" Josie says and I reply "I think that might be his name. Also means crazed." I look back at the man as he speaks again. "He's a demon hunter looking for an Oni, which is like a demon ghost thing." and then Josie finishes my sentence, "He said he followed his sword here and it glows around... Jinstu-riki?" Then lightbulbs go off in our heads and we say simultaneously "Oh! Oh! Supernaturals!"

"Okay, makes sense why he wound up here. But I've never seen one of those" Dorian says pointing to his mask, and the man starts speaking angrily. "He says that we wouldn't know if the Oni was here or not. It possesses people and it could be anywhere. In anyone." I say looking at Josie with concern written all over our faces. "That means that the Oni probably isn't here. If the monsters are looking for Landon-" I start and they catch on, "Then it's wherever Landon is." Josie says and Dorian looks worried. "Yeah except Landon and Rafael went to talk to Ric." this makes me groan internally.

We let him and go to Josie's room to find Lizzie there. "Oh good you're both here, I have something to say-" I paise and lift my shirt so the rash is visible, "Which one of you has been doing black magic?! Especially black magic bad enough to affect me!" I say this whilst putting my shirt back down and Lizzie gets a dead expression on her face before pulling up her sleeve, revealing the same rash and she glares at Josie. "Seriously. You're using black magic again? Let me remind you that whatever happens to you, happens to me too. And apparently if bad enough, Lily too!" Lizzie yells and I simply glare at Josie.

"And it won't happen again," She says and before I can ask a question, Lizzie speaks, "Well you're just lucky that Sebastian likes the old fashioned look." then the Samurai guy starts yelling from outside. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about" Josie claims before pulling the guy into the room. "Who the hell is that?" Lizzie asks and Kurutta, the samurai, sets his things down.

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