Chapter 29-

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(A/N)- Everyone wants to speed up season three and I completely agree, (Super funny that- that rhymes unintentionally)

So we're going to be skipping around to episodes that I find important for the storyline 👌🏻BUT -A New Hope- is going to be one of the ones I do not skip for obvious reasons as to, I'm a nerd and have a whole storyline thought up for that one.
⚠️Remember to read the Author Notes at the end there is a special vote.⚠️

Third Person POV~

Lily waltzed into the room with a bed tray, closing the door with her foot.

Hope smiled as she heard the door open. Though her eyes were closed, lavender filled her nose. Lily.

"You know I can see you smiling, I know you're awake." Hope felt the bed dip on the left side. Turning her body, she opened her eyes to see the beautiful blonde sitting there with a tray full of food.

"What's all of this?" Hope asks with a giggle as she sits up, resting her back against the headboard.

"Well, we're just getting through a rough patch and I thought I'd do something nice for you." Lily shrugged and Hope looked at her with slotted eyes, she knew her well enough to know when she was hiding something in her tone.

Lily blushed at her stare and scratched the back of her neck. "And it may or may not be our anniversary..."

Hope raised her eyebrows and smiled brightly. "Really?"

"Well it was kind of a year ago today we had our first kiss and if we don't count you jumping into maligoo and our little spat after my birthday-" Lily shrugged with an innocent glance.

Hope couldn't stop herself from giggling at her love's antics. Leaning forward Hope kissed Lily on the cheek before returning to her spot and looking at all the food. French toast, banana bread, bacon, and a large plate of large sugar-coated beignets. Along with two cups of coffee and water bottles.

Hope smiled brightly as the two made eyes contact. "You're perfect." Lily's smile lessened for a moment "Perfect is a bit of a stretch. But thank you." the Salvatore said before she began to eat.

Hope reached over and tucked a strand of golden hair behind Lily's ear as she spoke lightly "You're perfect to me." The Mikaelson began to eat as well, then she looked at her girlfriend and smirked "Fangs and all."

They both laughed before digging in to the food even more.

After a while of peaceful silence, Hope spoke up, her worry finally shining through. "How are you today? I mean, this is one of the first times you seem..." Hope paused in her words, not sure how to describe it.

"More like me?" Lily asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

Hope closed her mouth and sighed through her nose. "Its ok, you can say it." Lily tells her, "I'm ok I guess. I fed this morning, and I've had like eight cups of coffee, so I'm sure that has something to do with it."

Hope was silent for a moment, not looking at the blonde either. After a moment Lily stands, gaining Hope's attention. Hope sighs in relief when the girl doesn't leave, but then scrunches her face when Lily walked over to her desk and grabbed a coin.

Walking back over, Lily sat in her original place, holding out a dime for her girlfriend to take. Hope slowly grabbed it in confusion, "Dime for your thoughts? You don't have any pennies."

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