Chapter 14- Secrets

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Lily's POV~

Six hours. That's how long it took for Josie and I to get to New Orleans. I was intelligent enough to compel a pilot instead of driving all the way here. Once we got here, I also compelled a renter dealership to give us a car. We've been here for about two days already. Josie has been asking around for Freya whilst I have been using those two days as a mental break from everything. Today is the day I actually help.

"Okay, you ask around the bar here," I tell Josie whilst pointing to Rousseau's. "I'm going to the Mikaelson compound to see if she's home. If not, I'll ask her wife. Tootles." And with that, I'm gone.

I don't go there right away. I went to our hotel, that I also got with compulsion, and put our bags in our car. This wasn't going to be a very long stay so I knew it was smart.

I parked the car at the bar, and vamp sped to the compound. It wasn't far so I got there in like forty seconds. I siphoned the barrier spell around it and walked in, putting the spell back up once I'm inside. Walking into the courtyard, I look around. "Freya! Keelin!" I yelled knowing that they would be able to hear me. Sound travels great from the courtyard.

I hear the pitter-patter of little feet. Turning around I see Freya's son, Nik. When he sees me his face lights up. "WILY!" he screams as he runs to me. I laugh, he can't fully pronounce his L's yet. "Hey Niki!" I say light and pick him up. "Where's mommy?" I ask and I get the answer when someone responds. "Right here." I look up from Nik and see Keelin walk in with a death glare.

Nik reaches for her, so I set him down and he runs to her, she picks him up, her glare never leaving. "Why are you here Lillian." I cringe at hearing my full name. "Relax Keelin. Even when I had my humanity off, I would never get a child. I came here looking for Freya. I need her help." Keelin relaxes a little. "So your humanity is back on then?" she asks still wary, I simply nod my head, which makes her relax more.

"Thanks to your niece, of whom you don't remember, yes. Which is why I'm here. I found a spell that can help bring back everyone's memories and I need Freya to help reverse engineer it. So, where is she." "She went to Rousseau's to meet with someone who was asking around the quarter for her. Anyone, you know?" Keelin says as I walk to the exit. "My sister. She blasted me with the spell, I accidentally blasted my other sister, and she remembered Hope. And soon you all will, hopefully. Until next time Keelin, hopefully on better circumstances than the last two times." Then I vamp speed away.


Walking into Rousseau's a few seconds later, I see Freya put her hand on the table Josie is at. "Those aren't the kind of spells school kids should be messing with." I smirk as I make my presence known. "Oh but breaking the rules is so much fun." Recognizing my voice, Freya turns around. "Hello Freya. I see you've met my sister. And we need your help." "You both should go home." she says and she starts walking past me, I walk to the bark and order a glass of bourbon.

"Wait! You have photos in your home of, someone, you don't recognize. It feels like you should know them but you don't." Josie says, and this makes Freya pause. "How did you know that?" "We've all forgotten people. Doesn't matter what I say until you remember for yourself-" I interrupt Josie and hand Freya a drink. "That was made obvious over the summer. Now you've known me since I was what? Seven-ish? Though you might not remember it all given most of those memories are with Hope. So you know when I'm lying. So believe me when I tell you, Freya, the spell we need is the only way that you will remember." Freya gives me a glance. "You've turned it back on, haven't you." I simply nod, and I hold my glass up to her. We clink drinks and then down them. " Let's get to work." Freya and I say at the same time.

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