Chapter 3- What The Court Says Goes

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Lily's POV~

Another school meeting. Yay.

"Given recent events, a few students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions of your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by the school's policies it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made." Josie, Lizzie and I high five. I wasn't present for the talk, but I did ask Josie to talk about offensive magic during said talk, which she did. "So I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch, and one werewolf, each elected by their school peers. All along with our school counselor Emma, who's vote will represent the younger students. Now I have to go off-campus, in the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions, and to vote wisely."

Once dad finishes his speech, I walk up to him. "Ugh, dad. Dad." "Yes sweety what is it?" he asks turning to me. "I want a seat on the honor council. I'm the only vampire witch hybrid so technically there's no one to truly represent me, but me." he pauses to think. "Okay. You have a seat. Now get to class, I love you." he kisses my forehead then leaves.


"I'm not worried about losing the election, I'm worried about my outfit for the victory party. The outfit makes the speech. How do I look?" Lizzie asks magically changing the color of her outfit in the mirror. "And may the odds be ever in your favor, dear sister," I say leaning with a perfect British accent whilst leaning on the door frame. Making both Josie and Lizzie jump because they didn't see me.

Lizzie scoffed at my comment and changed the color of her outfit from pink back to blue. Laying on her bed looking at her I take the pencil Josie had and wave it like a wand. "Make it blue. No, make it pink. Blue! Pink!" And Josie laughs at my movie reference while Lizzie looks at me like I'm crazy and I simply smile, "Sleeping Beauty anyone?"

"Maybe you should wear something that makes you look like you'll take the job seriously Liz, because you look like you're from the hunger games, and Vice all in one." I say and she glares me, I raise my hands in defense. "That is why I am perfect for the job. I am a tastemaker, an influencer. People don't really know what they want until I tell them. They need me." Lizzie says looking Josie. "Lily, you're voting for me obvs right?" Lizzie turns to me. I smile and stand, touching her shoulder "Liz, you know I would, but I don't have a which vote. I'm not all witch, and I'm not all vampire either, I'm a hybrid. So I have my own seat on the council." I hug her and walk out, passing Rafael.


"Okay Jake, so if the velocity is 7.5 and the acceleration is 9.5, and the equation is acceleration equals velocity over time, then what would the time be?" I asked Jake, he's one of the kids I tutor for advanced physics. "1.26666667?" he asks looking at his calculator. "good! That's right, but we only go to the fourth number after the decimal, so when you round it, it would be?" "1.2667" "Yes. Great job Jake, you can pack up for the day, see you next Tuesday." I pack my things and go to leave the library when Rafael stops me.

"Ugh, hey, Lily. Can I talk to you?" "You can follow me and I will listen to whatever it is you're asking me. I can't promise the response you want." I say walking past him and towards my room, he follows. "Well, I couldn't help but overhear you say that you have a seat at the honor council-" "Close the door," I say walking into my room and setting my things down, then walking to my walk-in closet. "Yes, I have a seat in the honor council I'm the only witch vampire hybrid, what's your point?" I ask and Rafael just stands in my room while I change, he can't see me but I think he feels a bit awkward.

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