Chapter 5- It Was Just A Dream

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Lily's POV~

The morning after I was stabbed in my dream, Rafael came to Alaric's office, and the same thing happened to him last night.

"This happened to you in a nightmare? Are you sure?" Alaric asked him. "Look I know it sounds crazy but I was studying and then I fell asleep and then I started dreaming about... " "About what?" Hope asks and he stutters "Uh... One of my old foster dads. He was in the library and he had this old belt used to use on me."

"Do you remember anything else?" I ask softly. "Yeah, there was, there this woman there too. She was wearing an-an old black dress and-and a veil." "Lil, did you see the women in your dream last night?" Hope asks and I shake my head. "I don't think so. But being stabbed twice didn't leave me with much room to look around some more before waking up." I reply, and we all sigh.

"And she told me 'you know what I want' but I-" Rafael goes to say something but Hope and I interrupt him. "The urn."

"Sounds like our next monster showed up." Alaric got up and pulled out a book. "You know every culture on earth has legends about creatures that only appear in dreams. A woman in a black dress and a veil, that's pretty specific." and he flips through the pages of the book.

"So does that mean that she can control what goes on in our dreams. Like she can put stuff in our heads right?" Rafael asked. "It's possible" Alaric replies back. I raise my eyebrow. What was he dreaming about that he isn't saying? He shows Raf a picture in the book. "That look familiar?" and he nods.


"Our latest monster is a night hag. A malevolent spirit trapped in the astral plane that can only interact with us, through dreams. In this case, nightmares." MG speaks up with his nerd mind, "So like Freddy Kruger?" I stifle a laugh and Hope nudges me, but I can see the smile ghosting her lips. Alaric replies, "Well in a sense that whatever seems to happen to you in your dreams happens to you in real life, then yes. But the good news is we're safe, so long as we stay awake. Now I've lined up more evacuation shuttles, they should be running all afternoon so please, for those of you who don't want to stay and fight, take advantage of them. All right that's all." and we all get up to leave.

"I take it you're staying?" I ask walking next to Hope to one of our exams. "Huh yeah." I nod my head, figures. "Well you stay, I stay." before she can respond Landon walks up to us. "What about you guys? Any bad dreams?" "Yeah, a guy yelled 'die witch' and then stabbed me twice. You?" I say it as if it was normal. "Uh... Wow... that... sucks... And no, just first-day jitters. Hey, have either of you remembered anything about waking up in that field?" he asks looking between Hope and I, we shake our heads and Hope answers, "No. One problem at a time, okay?"

He nods, "Okay, but can I help with this problem, I can be a research assistant, plus I'm CPR certified and I know a little tia chi." "Thanks, Landon, but we're good. I speed-read, and I'm a black belt. Plus we have powers, you don't, you could get hurt. So go on the shuttle bus to the Lockwood mansion." I say and leave Hope to tell him what I said again, I knew he wouldn't listen to me. But he might listen to her.


I decided to take all my exams this morning to get them over with so I won't have to worry about them later. It's around 4 pm now so I was helping the other witches make a special tea to help people who stayed stay awake. Landon being one of them. Sadly.

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