Chapter 19- Highway-Out-Of Hell

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Lily's POV~

As soon as Wendy and I got back to the house, she left with Diego to find Alaric. And I went to shower and get all the marking off of me.

When I got out, I was putting on some black leggings when something caught my eye in the mirror. Looking closer, there's a spot on the back of my shoulder that is a bit darker than the rest of my skin. It's probably just irritated from me scrubbing my skin for like ten minutes making sure I got all the paint off, so I just throw on a plain white V-neck and my shoes before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

As I grab something to eat, I hear yelling from the living room. "Jade! He's in the house!" and then I hear a loud thump. Walking to the living room, I see Wendy on the ground unconscious, and Alaric standing there with a bloody sword. Then Jade vamp speeds in and throws him onto the piano. "Tag. You're it." she tells him with a laugh. And he swings his sword at her, only for her to grab it in her hands. "Oh, come on. Let's not fight. We don't want to waste and of that blood." She tells him with a laugh, and her vampire eyes show.

At this, I vamp speed over and shove them apart. "That's enough." I say sternly, but before they have a chance to react, Jade starts breathing heavily, and then looks at the blood in her hands shakily. "I'm so sorry." she says, looking at us. But I don't give her a chance to do anything, and I wave my hand and snap her neck. When she falls, I see Josie. Only she looks different. "Jo?" I ask and Alaric speaks up, "What did you do?" "I fixed her." she replies to us and her eyes turn black.

"You broke the sand clock." I say in a matter of fact tone. "It was the only way to have enough magic to get us out of here." she says and I throw my hands in the air, "I told you I had a way to do that so you wouldn't have to break it!" "And did that work out?" she asks seemingly unimpressed. "As a matter of fact yeah, it did." I say angrily and then her eyes widen a bit. "Yes I can tell now. There's so much magic in you it's coming off in waves. What did you do?" she asks, tilting her head. "Story for another time." I say and then walk back to the kitchen.


"Except I'm pretty much failing as a hero lately. I have no idea how to bring the Saltzman's and Lily back." "Look, I know you feel like you have to fix this-" "Because I do. My girlfriend and her family are stuck in a prison world. If I don't bring them back, no one else will. If I could just talk to them, then Dr. Saltzman will know what to do-" "That's not an option. You told me that astral projection into a prison world is dangerous." when Landon says this, I finally was able to fully appear, "Well luckily Hope, your amazing girlfriend is able to astral project to people whom I have a connection to be it by blood, or in this case friendship and romance." I say and she turns quickly with a relieved face.

"Lily thank god-" she says and goes to hug me, but walks right through me. "Yeah, forgot about that part." I start off as I turn around to face her. "Look I don't have much time, astral projecting out of a prison world is harder than astral projecting in. Listen, I have a way to get us all out of here but I only have until tonight to do it. We're not the only ones here, okay, there are others and they're trying to kill us. Find the ascendant. The real one. Now-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Josie pulls me up, making me lose the connection and stop astral projecting. "Jo what the hell?!" "We need to go. Lizzie's in trouble." and that's all she says before she walks out, making me run after her.


"What did you do to Jade?" Alaric asks Josie as we're walking in the road. "Lizzie's this way. I can feel her." Josie says and she points down the road. At this, I stop. I can smell blood. Without saying anything I speed away, only to find a police car crashed. "Lizzie!" I yell and rip the door off. "Hey, hey, it's okay Liz, I got you." I tell bet as I gently move her so her head is resting on the seat. Then I see a metal shard in her side. "Oh my god." I say quietly and Alaric lightly pushes me out of the way.

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