Welcome to The Salvatore School

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The Originals 4x13

Third Person POV~

"Looks like she's fitting right in." Alaric states as he walks up to Hayley, both watching Hope speak with two other students.

"She's adaptable." Hayley responds jokingly. "No, honestly I think this is what she's always wanted. A normal life, friends her own age."

"Well the kids here are pretty great. Excepting. Eager to learn, you know we just try to keep up. Teach them discipline, compassion, ethics." Alaric tells her.

"Magical positions, spell casting, broomstick riding." Hayley adds on with a small smile.

"Yeah, well there is some of that."

After a pause of silence, Alaric continued, "you know I just spent a lot of time with supernatural people who were never comfortable with who they were. These kids... These kids will be better."


A few minutes later, after letting Hope talk to more kids, Alaric was giving them a tour.

When they got to a hallway where no students were, as classes had just begun, the sound of a piano could be heard from an upcoming room.

"Who's playing the piano mom?" Hope asks curiously as she tries to listen and figure what room up ahead it was coming from.

"I don't know, why don't we go find out?" Alaric asks as they search for the right room.

As Hope ran ahead to look for the pianist, Hayley noticed the somewhat worried look from Alaric.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm 97% sure the student playing the piano is Lillian Forbes-Salvatore." Alaric tells her quietly.

"Caroline and Stefan's daughter?" Hayley asks, though already knowing the answer.

"The one and only. She's just been really upset lately because of what happened with Stefan. Her story reminds me of Hope's in the family aspect." Alaric begins to explain.

"What do you mean?" Hayley inquires as they watch Hope walk back to them.

"Because of Stefan being marked by Rayna Cruz, he wasn't in Lily's life until last year. Caroline always said these amazing things about Stefan so to her, he's always been kind of like a-"

"A Prince Charming? Yeah. It was the same way with Hope and Klaus."

"Lily and Stefan got really close, and now, since he died. She's been keeping to herself."

Before more could be said, Hope ran up to her mother. "Mom, come on, I found where the music is coming from."


The of the piano stops as the three walks into the room.

At the piano, was a five-year-old, Lily. Having vampire hearing, she passed when she heard three heartbeats coming into the room.

"Lily, come over here, I'd like you to meet some friends." Alaric tells the young girl.

Hope and Hayley stand there, their eyes slightly widened in shock of watching the blonde run into Alaric at an inhuman speed, and stumble a little, only for Alaric to catch her.

"Sorry. I got up too fast." Lily says quietly as she settles next to the headmaster, glancing at the two in front of her.

"Lily, this is Hayley Marshall and her daughter Hope." Alaric tells the girl.

"Hello." Hope says and stocks out her hand for the younger girl to take.

"Um..." Lily mumbles as she pulls her hands to her chest and shakes her head. "I'm strong. I don't want to hurt you." Lily tells the young Mikaelson.

"Well how did you play the piano just now? You have to be gentle when playing or it won't sound right... Just, pretend my hand is a piano key." Hope says lightly as she sticks her hand out more.

Slowly, Lily did what Hope said and shook her hand, causing a smile to appear on everyone's faces.

"Lily, would it be alright with you if Hope kept you company here while Ms. Marshall and I talk about paperwork?" Alaric asked and Lily nodded her head.

After the two adults left, Lily and Hope were by the piano.

"So, what are doing here by yourself?" Hope asks as she watches Lily play random notes.

"My mom said I had to get out of my room. Do you know how to play?" Lily asked at the end, pointing to the piano.

"No, I don't. I paint though." Hope answers, and Lily bounces up. "Cool! I'll be right back."

With that, the little blonde used her vampire speed and came back seconds later, standing next to esil with a canvas, paint, brushes, water, and a stool that was all set up.

"If we pull these curtains to the side you'll get good lighting." Lily said as she used magic to open the curtains, making Hope brighten at the fact that magic use seemed to be normal here.

That's how Alaric and Hayley found the two hours later. Playing the piano and painting, occasionally laughing at something the other said.

"I think Hope just found a life long friend." Hayley states with a smile as she watched her daughter.

(A/N)- I know, I know, it's been a while.

I've just been busy with a whole lot of other things, and to be honest, I got somewhat of a writer's block for this book, so when I had free time I worked on other books.

But, since it's almost the Holiday's I figured I'd give you guys a little something, even if it's not much.   -💎

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