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Third Person POV~

At the doctor's, they were informed by the doctor that there weren't any babies. When she left, Valerie came in and siphoned the cloaking spell off of the babies.

"Oh my god." Caroline said looking at the screen, seeing two babies and hearing heartbeats. "They were cloaked," Valerie said looking at her.

"Wait, wait, Caroline, go back real quick," Alaric said looking at the screen. Doing as he said, Caroline saw something. "That's not possible. You and Joe had twins, -" Caroline said looking at the third, much smaller baby.

"I've seen something like this happen before, not in a vampire, but in witches. Sometimes, if the baby's magic is powerful, some of the magic would be transferred into another fertilized egg that wasn't supposed to be there. Listen, you can hear three heartbeats, that baby is alive as well." Valerie said looking between the two in the room and the screen.

"Wait so, you're saying, that my babies, transferred magic into a fertilized egg that wasn't supposed to be born?" Alaric asked confused.

"Uhhh, yeah, I guess so. But that means you aren't the father. So who is?" Valerie asked looking at Caroline who looks shocked and whispered, "Its Stefan's" she was still processing that she had Alaric's children in her, now she had to add on that she had her own child there too.


"Stefan, you need to go and help Damon" Bonnie tried to get him to save his brother, but he wasn't leaving. "Do you think I care about Damon right now?!" He yells at Bonnie. "Stefan, do you really think I would let anything happen to Caroline? Besides, your baby is too small to come out yet, and she was siphoning magic back into Caroline, not taking it. So go help your brother who, in trying to prove himself to you, is going to get killed." With that, Stefan left, and Josie and Lizzie were born.


"Seriously! I just did this 2 hours ago now I have to do it again?!" Caroline yelled as she was in the delivery room again about to give birth to her and Stefan's baby. "You're gonna do great Caroline, Valerie and I will be here like last time, and so will Stefan" Bonnie encouragingly. "Why didn't they just take her out two hours ago with Lizzie and Josie?!?!" Caroline basically yelled. "The doctors said she was too small but now, something is wrong so they have to take her out now." Bonnie said in the calmest voice possible, not wanting to worry her best friend. "WHAT?!?! What's WRONG?!" Caroline yelled. "Care, calm down, she'll be fine." Bonnie said calming down her best friend.

"You're doing great Caroline. And I can't wait to meet our daughter." Stefan smiled at her, then they heard a cry.


Stefan was walking into Caroline's room with some food, and blood, she was starving. When she noticed him she smiled. "I decided what to name her." she said. "Oh yeah, what's her name?" Stefan asked and he sat near the two most important girls in his life.

"I remember you telling me stories, from before you were a vampire, so since Lizzie is named in my moms honor and Josie in Joe's. This, is Lillian. In honor of your mother, before she was a vampire." Caroline said letting Stefan hold their daughter for the first time. He smiled down at her, she was still premature, so she was extremely small, but thankfully big enough to where they could hold her. "What's her middle name?" He asked looking at Caroline.

Caroline smiled, "I was going to let you pick." Stefan smiled even brighter at hearing this. "Well, I always wanted to name my daughter, if I ever had one, Estrella." "Well, then Stefan Salvatore. Meet Lillian Estrella Forbes-Salvatore. Our daughter" Caroline said smiling at her daughter.

(A/N)- So this is how Lily was made. 🤰🏼🤱🏼 I'll let you all know when I edit everything -💎


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