1 - Part of Me

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He stands there, eyes blaring with rage, wide with anger, I felt sick. I shudder as he screams down at me, his bellows echoing cruelly in my ear. Tears stream helplessly down my face, my cheeks red with the pain. I can't hold it together, his mouth spits cruel, unforgiving nothings at me and he raises his hand in fury, I cower, knowing what he will do. He hits me, I'm so used to it now my mind is numb, even though the pain of my body still cuts like daggers. I feel the ribcage ricochet and I know I've broken a rib. Tears flow down my face and I taste the salty water in my mouth. My breathing is hitched and my blood goes cold with anguish. I feel all the bruises across my body sting and ache, I can't go on like this, I'm surprised my body hasn't crippled in pain and exhaustion. He moves his hand from my stomach to my face, I cower and whispers in fear.
"No, please, come on, I love you... I love you." I murmur.
And then the cold, harsh burn of reality ached in my face, I could feel the hot, blood trickling down my face.

Eventually the screaming stopped, I couldn't even tell if it was mine anymore, only it stopped, and my throat felt raw. My whole existence felt numb and I couldn't breathe. Finally I mustered up enough strength and limped away from him, he let me go. I stumbled through the hallway, and I fumbled for the keys, my fingers slipping trying to shove them in the correct keyhole. I coughed violently, spitting blood onto the floor.

Finally, the crooked door opened and I faltered through the door, the crisp, nighttime air warming my heart. I gently gripped the handrails and I pulled my arms, my hands scraping across the rails. I tried calling out to anyone, my voice raspy and desperate. Anyone I finally called loud enough for assumed I was drunk or disorderly and discarded my pleas.

My eyesight began to blacken, I couldn't see properly, yet I kept walking, I reeled over and collapsed, blood dripping on the floor. I was unconscious.

My vision began to darken, my eyes fading into nothingness. I kept crawling, desperate to get away from him, this is something from storybooks, nobody gets treated this harshly, right? I'm dreaming. But I know I'm not because the bruises covered all over me like purple, blotchy stains.

Shigaraki POV

I walk miserably through the streets my hood covering my scarred, distorted face. I like wearing hoodies, it's safe, and it makes it much harder for me to scratch my neck, My mahosistic need to hurt myself, it helps, makes me feel warm, makes me know that I'm worth nothing. Some call it 'self harm' but I don't, I'll never tell anyone what happens. Nobody would blink in my direction, nobody cares.

When you're a malicious, cruel, selfish villain.

I stop, smelling the stagnant stench of blood, fresh and nauseating and look up from my feet, kicking a couple of insignificant stones. I peer through my hoodie and look at what caused the disgusting smell. I see a girl curled up helplessly on the floor, a thick pool of blood drenched around her, engulfing her in crimson. I watch her desperate yelps, call for help, she doesn't even know she's on the verge of unconsciousness, even death. People must have discarded her and assumed she was drunk. My mind flashes back helplessly to when I was a child, the constant dearness of rejection, until he came and saved me. The familiar smell of her blood overwhelmed me and my stomach lurched, she was only my age and clearly has done nothing cruel ever.

I innocently let my mind ricochet back again. To all those years ago, when a pleading boy begged for help, people left him desperate on the streets. I couldn't help myself, how could I hate the society who turned me, into, me. If I was that society itself... I have to save her like he saved me.

I pace towards her, pulling back my sleeves and trying to pull her on my backs, before I touch her, I lurch away, remembering my monstrous quirk. I push down my thumbs and use the rest of my hands to delicately roll her onto my back. She's bleeding a lot, from her face and arms and the bruises and slashes all over her are horrifying and my mind drifts to who could do this to her. I looked down at her delicate face, it was young, definitely my age. She would be so beautiful if it wasn't for the blood stains and bruises. Like I could be handsome if it wasn't for my chapped complexion.

I heaved desperately, if I wasn't me... I would have probably asked her on a date. But I'm a villain, a disgraceful villain, and you came to do that in this business. She's not even a villain, she could be a hero.
She could be a hero? I helplessly push that thought to the back of my mind.

I quickly use my spare hand to pull my phone from my back pocket, desperately trying to keep it from sleeping. I dial Kurogiri's number, the soft, melodic noise of the phone ringing seemed to calm and slow her heart rate, it moves into a careful, even rhythm and to a more natural pace.

I can't even fathom why I'm caring about this girl, I should drop her and leave now, go back, plan more disasters.

"Shigaraki? Shigaraki? What's happened?" The low, booming voice reverberates through my ears. I calm my voice.

"Oh, I need you to come pick me up." I must mutter softly.

"Can't you walk?" Kurogiri questions, I can hear the confusion echo in his voice.

"Well- there's this person sort of dying..." I begin.


"I couldn't fucking leave them, I don't know why ok? Just come pick me up." I shout, my temper picking up.

I scratched my neck with pain, anguish and disturbance ringing in my ears. I'm too weak for a villain. The scratching of my neck picked up, into a rapid, helpless pace, a rash begin to warp over the old rashes before.
After a few, excruciating minutes, Kurogiri warps to me, his portal looming above me. He look down with his bright, glowing eyes on the girl, then back at me, saying no words, only his disapproving thoughts, then warps me back to the bar.

She's bleeding all over the rickety, moth chewed table, I don't know what to do, I'm now desperate, my thoughts rapidly increasing. Kurogiri begins to delicately clean her up, I thank him internally, but other than that I just helplessly stand there. Staring. Observing.

She has such a pretty face, now it's clear to me with the blood washed away from her face. No I need to stop, I'm heartless, dead, and a villain.

But I can't stop staring.

I want and need to get to know her, and make her mine.

Word Count : 1190

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