5 - Say Something

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Why do I bother, why do I try, wait in desperate anticipation when I already know his response. I know the reaction will be the same, he'll treat me like an subordinate child. Too measly and weak. Too young and frail. Just not ready. He's not related to me, he has no deeper connection with me, what right can he have to force me from this so cruelly? He doesn't own me dammit! So why am asking so hopelessly for his permission?

I subconsciously waltz to his room, my eyes hazy and lacking all concentration. I don't realise where I am till my body it's the damp-stained door and my mind reboots. I effortlessly shrug my shoulders, what's the harm in trying?

I rap roughly on the rustic, dilapidated door in three hasty consecutive blows, the knocks ringing throughout the complex.

"Hello, Shigaraki, may I come in?" I whisper, voice breaking a I mustur the courag.

I desperately await an answer, I heard some commission earlier between him and Dabi. I thoroughly dislike Dabi, his womanizer, playboy attitude pairs so pathetically with his selfish, villainous murders makes him provably the most unlikable person in the world to me. Toga tried to ease me however, regarding to me that they alwau fight, and they despise each other, there is not would piece of thread connecting them. There like a shark and a flame trying to be friends, just impossible.

"Come in-" he replies sharply. His tone cuts me for a split second, then I remember he's probably still fuming over Dabi, my muscles relaxe again. His raspy voice clings desperately to my ears, it sooths my body just listening to it, all fear exits my body like a torrent of waves. He saved me life no matter how hard I try to perceive him, he's my hero, not a villain.

I hastily spin the doorknob, ripping the door open and planting my soft eyes on his crimson ones, I smile broadly, I see him sitting, relaxed, looking up with longing eyes at me.

That's before I notice his neck.

I gasp in horror and anguish, eyes wide and mortified with pain and shock. I feel my body shake into one continuous low buzz and my head begins to pound. I watch hopelessly as blood drops effortlessly down his neck, beginning to stain on his clothes and skin. I reach to help him but his cold stare fixated me in my spot.

He's been scratching at his neck again. One lonely evening, I inquired to Kurogiri about it, he was extremely information, telling me it was a 'coping mechanism' I shot wary glances at the purple vortex but he agreed it made him sick, dreary and unwell.

He smiled grimly at me. Trying to form his grimace into a desperate smile, he would never be a good actor, he'd be miserable.

"What do you want, Y/N."

He emphasized on the Y/N, am I to blame for his sudden anxious fit, I shudder at his stinging emphasis and bite my lip, I feel the steaming blood trickle into my mouth, the burning taste of metal making me gag.

"I'm sorry for bothering you Shigaraki, I came to ask you a question, yet I'm worried for your neck, may I try something to cure it...? I wonder, still horrified by his neck, yet I know he won't let me come near him, I think he despises me.

Shigaraki POV

As the soft words spilled so beautiful out of her mouth I stared at her with such an incredible degree of shock you'd have think she asked me to marry her. My brows tilt and my eyes low, pain flourishing throughout my body, I felt so ashamed, so weak. Was she disgusted by me?

"What do you mean?"was all I could muster, my tone laced with despair. She plasters on a forlorn smile and stares deeply into my eyes, taking a step closer.
Subconsciously I pull my hand up and lay it delicately over the raw skin, I wince and look back down at my fingers, the tips tinted with the crimson of my blood.

"Just watch.." she stated, her soft voice ringing in my ears. She smiles crookedly and I can feel the soft, even, heated breaths on my neck. Her whole presence relaxes me.

We are no more than an inch apart before she lifts her slender fingers up and places them a few centimetres from my neck. My whole body tenses and my breathing completely vanishes. What was she doing? Before I could snap back into my senses, her hands were resting gently on my neck, soft and delicate, like an angels.

A tingling sensation burst from her hand onto my neck, a flurry of ice engulfed it and I realised she was settling the inflammation with her ice. I peer out the corner of my vision and watch as her brows crease, making the delicate v. The icey texture vanished and little drops of water fell on my cuts, washing the blood away. The cooling water calmed me and a desperate breath of air escapes my lips.

I stare outside as the thin sheet of snow she made that's due to the light rain, the crystals of snow melting into a meadow of dew.

"I have to repay you, you saved me." She whisped in my ear, her heavy breathing hot on my neck, my whole body tingles and I subconsciously smile.

The words however, rang in my ears, echoing through my body, a hot flush hits me like a ton of bricks and my face burnt like coals. I flash my eyes to the crooked, smashed and dilapidated window, peering through the cracks I desperately stare out again but the rain was still light. I sigh heavily and lock my eyes back on her, her cheeks are sprinkled with gentle patches of red and I hope she hasn't caught my fever. This hot flash wasn't because of her.

Or, to put it plainer, it wasn't her quirk.

Word Count : 1014

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