20 - For (Book 2)

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Sitting still in my room, it seems familiar, yet there is no scent, no warmth, this room brings no comfort to me, no strong memories and happiness.

Staring at the blank wall in front of me, the thick pasty cream colour colliding in my vision, small cracks splintering down the wall, an array of patterns, specks of condensdd water vapour lay daintly on the surface, soon to transform into a gruesome damp patch, much like the majority of the wall, towards the bottom, located near the skirting board, damp flurries in its on ecosystem, trailing up the wall and merging to become a jungle.

I hear an energetic tap on the door, unfamiliar with the sound, cautiously, I call out.

"Come in?" I murmur, voice laced with caution.

In arrives and bouncing girl, toga! Of course I remember her, she's close to my age but not even eighteen years of age, so young. She has a bright beaming smile with tiny sharpened fangs, and two cute space buns on the top of her head.

I accepted her for her quirk. It was never her fault what society decided for her, so I always openly gave her blood, right? Was that why she was here?

"Hello Y/N! Omg I've missed you so much!!' she squeals shyly.

She bounds over to me, engulfing me in a warm, wholesome hug, and I eagerly return it.

"I missed you too Toga." She was my best friend.

"Where have you been, we've all been worried sick?" She asks curiously, head tilting 45° to the side, grin forming into a frown.

"I was kidnapped I'm guessing, haha that's ironic, kidnapped by the heroes." I say, wincing slightly as my thoughts linger on the memory of my capture.

She looks at me longingly, I can tell what she wants, I nod slightly, smiling a bit before lifting the tight sleeve off my arm, revealing my skin.

Smiling again, she pulls out a knife, I remember she is quite careful, she doesn't take too much like she would with others.

She's nice really, if you get to know her.

Time flies by as we catch up, her telling me conversations we had, things we used to do, some thing she told me I didn't believe, but some other, lingered in my thoughts as I pondered over their truth.

She told me, about, me and, Shigaraki..? I laughed at her at the time, but I'm still thinking about it now. I mean, how could I just date him, with no memories of anything of romance or things like that, it would be cruel to him, and I couldn't do that to myself either.

I have to talk to him.

I push myself off my bed, slowly pulling open the wooden doorway, to reveal the long, winding corridor, the familiar smell of dried blood and the slight peeling of a misty wallpaper, this I remember better, I remember where his room is, third door to the left. Hurrying there, I linger outside the doorway, before knocking softly three times.

"Hello, Shigaraki, may I come in?"

I falter slightly, waiting for his response, he seemed extremely upset the last time we spoke, I don't remember him showing so much emotion than what he did at that point.

"Come in..." My heart rate slowed at the soft, raspy voice I knew so well, smiling slightly, I rest my hand on the door handle, carefully opening the door.

Seeing his face, brings back the friendship and memories we had, I save slightly, a slight grin on my face.

"Hey, how are you?" I murmur softly.

"I'm well, what do you want?" His voice sharpened at the end of his sentence, making me flash my eyes to the ground.

"I, I'm sorry I don't remember Shigaraki, but, I'd like to, make new memories?" I mutter cautiously, smile increasing to a grin.

I watch has his eyes light up, a hopefully smile on his face, his baby blue hair blowing softly from the shaft of the window, I blush, I can see why I liked him.

Would his pride not want to make new memories?

"I'd love to, so you can start by calling me Tomura." He smirks, showing a few of his teeth, blinking sweetly.

Agh, I blushed heavily before turning away, hand over my mouth.

"Ok, Tomura, so what do you want to do first...?" I ask whole-heartedly.

"Let's go on a date." He sharply states, confidence ringing in his tone and voice.

All I can do is nod anxiously, before ruffling my hair. I smile softly at him, heart palpitating. He stared at me, eyes wide, shining hope in his eyes, pupils side, almost like a lost puppy. I slowly drag my feet over to him, before resting myself on the bed beside him, it creaks slightly as I sit down, breathing heavily, I feel him staring at me, remembering my features and probably gripping the fact that I am here. To be honest, so am I.

"So Shigaraki, when do you want to go on the date?" I asked hurriedly.

He freezes, his realisation his last words, he breathezs heavily before mustering up the courage and willpower to answer to answer.

"It's Tomura. And, tomorrow night. Don't be late."
With that he stands up and exits, that was very dominating. That's not normally like him, it's unusual, maybe he thinks I don't remember everything about him. It's adorable. I blush slightly, before I feel my eyes shift close, the sleep-deprivation catching up on me, thoughts thick and fuzzy.

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