19 - Needed (Book 2)

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Shigaraki POV

I stand dismally, watching my Master lose to them 'Symbol of Peace', I'm not impressed to be honest, I'd have more hope if I didn't have other problems on my mind. I'm losing it, losing the will to live, so much so that I have began to go crazy, a different type of crazy to what I already am, I like my usual crazy. In the past ten minutes, I've began to hear her voice, I've obviously heard her voice in my dreams exc, but not in the wide open. Why are the screams getting louder, hanging my head over the railings, I look down to the crowd of helpless bystanders, I see a shift in their dormant, meerkat like state, someone is pushing forwards ,causing a commotion, they have h/c hair, just like y/n, and a trail of red streaks behind them, they must have been caught in one of the fallen buildings, seeking assistance. As I focus on the person, the screams seem my streamlined in their direction, it couldn't be?

Then the person looked up, their shining e/c eyes, their sweet complexion. Astonished, I blink, pulling off Father's hand, I throw it to the floor, discarding it. Climbing over the railing, still pulling off the random hands attached to my arms and legs. I look over to Kurogiri, he tilts his 'head' to the side but I just continue running. I'm not the healthiest man in the world, so I easily run out of breath, however, if it is her, I don't care.

I run through, pushing people, a slight smirk lifts on my face as I hear their burning cries, however, the split second laughter quickly fades, as I begin to quicken my pace. I reach the woman, carefully not using all of my fingers, I lift her head up, it's her.

Her hair is dishevelled, slightly tangled yet still the shining h/c he I remembered. Her beautiful e/c eyes stare at me, tears welling up, I smile a melancholy smile, embracing her in a hug and all the memories of her flow back, everything I tried to push away came rushing back. This memory will last in my heart until I die, I hear the sirens of police, they probably saw me at my weakest and decided this would be a good time to catch me, everyone's attention still on the AFO fight. I smirk, still clutching on for y/n, I scream for Kurogiri, pushing past the hatred for my hoarse, raspy voice. He appears, staring down at me with his two golden eyes, before encasing us in the lilac smoke. She's safe now, I don't need to worry about saving her anymore. I needed her, and now I could show that she needed me.


I look up, my eyes clouded with tears, water streaming down my face. Blood stained knuckles, slashes and cuts in my arms and legs. I wince slightly, before feeling two arms wrap around me, no hands on my back, just sticking out into the air. I feel warm, like the numb feeling of my body is beginning to fade, the cold air leaving me. I try to see the person helping me, but my vision is completely blank, the only senses I have are a weak, ringing feeling in my ears, and a slight sense of smell; all I can smell is burning rubble and smoke.

Suddenly, a cold wave of air washes over me, I shiver violently, yet someone hugs me harder, I open my eyes as wide as I can, only seeing a purple fade. Clenching my teeth, I feel my body go limp and my thoughts disappear.

When I wake up, a familiar smell fills my nose, a smell of blood, yet somehow it brings a warmth to my heart, I feel welcome and at home. I feel the hardwood floor on my back, the slight scratches and chipped wood pieces leave me uncomfortable. But my heads feels slightly comfortable and soft, a limp pillow protecting me. I begin to notice my body wake up, the painful cuts from the glass and wood sting, the cuts are slightly pressurized so I assume they've been bandaged. I sigh, does that mean Shigaraki saved me?

I try to push myself up and I wince, before hearing loud footsteps coming towards me. I blink my eyes slightly and I see him. I smile broadly, pushing away the pain, he smiles back and sits next to me, staring into my eyes. I look back at him, admiring his features, his long way hair, pastel blue. His beautiful crimson eyes, shining like the sun. Memories soar back to me, more personal memories, I knew we were friends!

"Y/n, I'm so glad you're awake!" He states, smiling at me, he leans in, what?!

I put on a confused and scared expression, beforing scurrying back. A puzzled and saddened expression appears on his face, before standing up, a melancholy face staring down at me.

"Shigaraki?! What the hell?!" I angrily question.

"Shigaraki? Not Tomura..? Have you forgotten everything?" he asks, confused and saddened.

I stare at him, what was he talking about, yeah I lost some of my memories, but I thought I remembered everything about our friendship, am I missing something?

"Sorry.. I really don't remember. All I remember is how we met, and our friendship, I don't know if it was from the attack in the forest, or where I was..." I mutter, trying to sound as truthful and understanding, he actually seems upset.

He looks down at me, moisture in his eyes, before he looks away.

"Yeah, our friendship was very good, you were.. like my first mate, second in command, I guess. It's good to have you back y/n. We've all missed you." and with that.. he leaves, scratching his neck and walking into his room.

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