16 - New (Book 2)

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My eyes blinked slowly, I felt sick, eyes heavy, heart aching, my stomach turned in on itself and my body felt weak, as I began to open my eyes, a blinding white light shone, I tried to stretch my arms up to reach my eyes to cover, yet I felt restraints holding them, I winced, writhing in pain. As my cloudy vision began to adjust, I took in my surroundings, blinking violently, I noticed a white transparent sheet in front of me, glass. I tilted my head to the side, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed menacing restrains containing me, fear and anxiety washed over my face.

"Sir, she's woken up." a muffled voice murmured.

My eyes darted to the glass screen again and I noticed a tall, mysterious man, he had a pale white coat on with long draping sides, he had two small glasses and piercing eyes that were staring right at mine, it sent shivers down my spine. He began to move slightly, slowly, cautiously, who was he, why was he there, why were you there? Your head ached and hurt uncontrollably when you tried to recall any past memories.

"Hello, I am Dr Satins." a deep, booming voice recoiled in my ears, the sound waves bouncing from the lab man's mouth.

I stared at him, gulping slightly.

"I'm, L/N Y/N, why am I here?" I asked, frightened and anxious.

"You mean you don't remember, I don't have time to be played L/N." he ferociously boomed again.

I shivered, what did he mean played, then a small memory washed through my mind, there was a man, he was slightly taller than me? I think he had pale hair, was it blond, no it was a deeper shade than that, blue? That's not very natural yet it felt right when I thought it.

"Only snippets of memories, sir. I'm extremely confused why I'm here. Where's my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" he asked, smirking slightly, curling his lip, I watched him turn to the glass screen, to see two more lab people, taking, notes?

I nervously blinked, staring up at him.

"Yes, Kenji Nakamura? Is he outside? Have you heard of him?!" I frantically stutter now, trying to calm my breath and heartbeat.

He stares at me, his two chestnut eyes staring me down, my heartbeat racing, I nervously look around the thick metallic room, the slight mould in the corners, I writhe in pain again, what have I done to be in this situation, what happened? I look back to the man, and he tuts slightly, before I know it, he turns sharply around, leaving me alone in the dark, eerie room, I shiver before crying out, tears beginning to stream down my face, I realize the situation I am in, am I some sort of hostage? I scream out for help, the lights dimming, clouding my vision, and then I black out from hunger.

Shigaraki POV

Lately, criminal activity hasn't been as interesting, hasn't been very productive either, we kidnapped a kid, Katsuki Bakugou, he has a fantastic quirk that we can use to take down All Might, and rescue Y/N. However, everyone's motives and mood are damped, me and Toga especially. I don't care about their moods, but they aren't working as hard, who am I kidding. Neither am I. Not only this, many of our members have been killed and/or captured, I wonder who is still alive, and if they still have allegiance, if she still has allegiance...

I don't even remember that day well... Her soft skin, her brilliant e/c eyes, and her neat, delicate, h/c hair, I can remember those, but her angelic voice, like a ghost to me, like a distant memory. She wanted to prove her worth, the amount of times she thought she let us down, a nusiance to us, anything she did, she thought she did wrong, but that day, the day I saw her power and destruction take over, I thought she looked like the most beautiful woman ever, I never thought I would have any feelings for anyone or anything, I felt like I could destroy anything at my touch, but now, at least I know someone will always love me, without or without my curse.

I pace through the halls, before I realize its time to 'persuade' the boy again. I walk in to the room, eyes gleaming with rage, hate, and pleasure. He glare's at us, writhing and shaking his arms, trying to break out, I smile.

"We have seen your power, and your explosive personality, boy, join us already, you would be an extremely valued member of the team." Dabi beckons.

"Never in hell would I join you bastards." I roll my eyes as he spits at us.

If he was smart, he would at least fake his allegiance, say he'd join us, fake it, get close, learn our plans and backstab us, he's a fool really, maybe Master was wrong about this boy, maybe he was the wrong choice, just because he has a good quirk, doesn't mean he'll use it.  I'm about to interrogate him some more, when I hear a slight bash at our door, everyone is here, and no-one would knock, unless.

"Hey, pizza delivery." a muffled voice rings in my ears, and I frantically scratch my neck, before spinning around in anguish.

Before I knew it, the door was bashed down and half a dozen pro heroes run in, fists ready to attack, quirks activated, in the middle of them all, him, All Might, the bane of my life. He barges through, then spits through his teeth is disgraceful and disgusting catch phrase, we all know you're here, we can see you. Angrily I jump for him, we have no nomu, they're all in our other facility. Everything has gone wrong, but, if we capture a hero, I could find, y/n?

I jump for All Might, I'm not only doing this for Master anymore.

Heyo everyone! <3 I really hope you enjoy the restart of Hold My Hand! I've been practising my writing, improving my language and literature, and will be improving my vocabulary so that you have the best experience possible when reading this book! <3

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