2 - Hey There

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My eyes gently flickered, my vision returning to normal, I felt my breathing fall into a normal pattern, I was safe. I welcomed the warmth of indoors and the comfort of what seemed like a bed or sofa. I widely open my eyes, trying to adjust to my surroundings, but I see nothing. I'm face to face with complete darkness, the black abyss of emptiness. Where's the light? I try to push myself up, exerting pressure in my arms is not a could idea and I fall down miserable, my arms weak and have a dull ache. I lay disgruntled and miserable, waiting for all my senses to readjust.

On a lark, I hear a door creak, my hearing's back. My eyes jolt, the sudden ray of light warming my eyes, a smile forms on my dishevelled face, I rejoice to the light like an old friend, dejecting the deathly cold of the dark. A girl walks in, before I can focus on her features, she begins to chirp at me.

"Hi there! Himiko Toga, nice to meet you! I'd like to graciously welcome you to our humble abode!" She softly chirps, he sweet voice like honey in my ears.
I look at the girl, her soft features immediately catch my eye, she must be fifteen, sixteen at a push, but she was remarkably pretty. She had iridescent, day blonde hair, roughly plastered together into two rough space buns, the small strands of hair sticking out of them giving a warm, natural look. Plastered on her face was a cold, menacing smile however, it involuntarily let shudders down my spine. She had a huge grin with brilliant white teeth and vicious canines, they were almost like fangs. No, they were fangs.

I try to utter a single word, a cry for help, a simple 'hi', yet all that falters from my mouth was a poor man's excuse of a sound, it was more of an animalistic yelp. My cheeks flush red of embarrassment.

"Wahh, I really wish you could speak, it'd be so much fun.." she sighs, pushing a finger to one of her teeth, her grin still as big as before.

Her tone was soft, yet menacing, should I be afraid of this teenage girl? Every instinct that rattled through me screamed yes, I felt my voice-box regain motion, and I began layering on my questions, starting with the most obvious.

"Will you hurt me..?" I begin, my eyes wide and expression emotionless.

She giggled softly, her mouth in a gaping grin, she enjoyed my pain, she knew I was suffering behind the façade I was portraying. I gulped deeply, everything she did was both sweet and concerning and the same time, my thoughts conflicted.

"No. Shiggy says I'm not allowed, he's no fun." She pouts, a childish expression planted on her face.

My eyes sunk desperately as I realised she was not the type of person to be trifled with, if I wanted to stay alive, I'd have to keep up this trick of the dumbfounded little girl or run away. Running would be difficult, I don't know this place, I'd surely get lost, and probably die. As well as my basic senses, my pain was also rifling back into my body, all at once, I winced as I felt my soft, delicate tissues die, I was very injured, yet my brain was acting up, so I couldn't pin point why. Was it her?

"Did you kidnap me?" I curtly ask, trying to read her unusual character.

"Nope! Shigaraki did, said he found you dying but, I think he just wanted to steal you!" She giggled slightly, did she find kidnapping a joke. She must be a villain, there's no other explanation.

As my mind focuses on the words she spoke, I freeze in trepidation, my blood goes cold, like a wave of icy weather hitting me in shorts and a t-shirt. Unbearable.

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