- Cutting ties

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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING; this chapter contains mentions of abuse and violence, if that makes you uncomfortable feel free to click away!

Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support on the last chapter, I love reading your comments they literally make my day!! All the people telling me to take as long as I needed to write the next chapter actually motivated me to write for you guys and I think this is my favourite chapter! So enjoy!

(Small notice at the end please read and give your answers in the comments! Thank you!)

A couple minutes ago...

Sugawara's POV

I sat in my room feeling light, happy even, with the notion that I could get out of here soon. Throughout the past few months, even in my darkest moments, I'd have these little bursts of optimism. I think a lack of those is what caused me to think ending my life was the only valuable option. But barely twenty four hours later I was doing it again. I'd missed this feeling, I missed genuinely thinking things could get better, and I knew that the biggest contributor to my good mood was the boy who left two minutes ago to get me breakfast. He was so reassuring and calm, being around him felt like taking a deep breath of fresh air; it was overly rejuvenating, rather fitting for Daichi.

I laughed at the thought, smiling down at my hands. Somewhere in my mind, I knew that he was my stability, he kept me sane, and just like he promised to stay by my side, I was now silently vowing to try and get better, for him and for me. The little voice in my head doubted this but, in these types of moments, I've been able to ignore it.

It was as if nothing could ruin the positive mood I was in, smiling so much my cheeks hurt, but in a way I was glad they did. It was undeniable; I was genuinely happy for the first time in probably weeks and nothing could ruin it.

Or so I thought.

The door slid open, I didn't look up, assuming it was Daichi.

"That was fast! I thought the canteen was past the entrance." I cheered, looking up at the man only for my face to fall.

"Hello Koushi." My father said, voice venomous.

My blood ran cold, veins turning to ice. All my muscles locked and I began to feel overwhelmingly helpless in his presence. I couldn't meet his eyes, feeling utterly terrified. Beginning to tremble, I sat further back in the bed, cowering from the man I feared most.

"Why are you here?" I think it shocked the both of us to hear how steady my voice came out, it barely wavered and sounded more angry than afraid.

"Well," my dad cleared his throat, "I got a call from Sawamura Asami this morning. She's your little... boyfriend's mom, right?" He assumed, to which I nodded hastily, "she said you'd be staying with them because, and I quote, your mother and I 'are neglectful, abusive and terrible people', according to her." He snarled, inching closer to the bed until he was towering over me.

Somewhere within me, I mustered up the courage to fight back. Maybe it was because of my good mood from before, or maybe it came from the delight that hit when I saw the big blue bruise on my fathers cheek, similar to the one he'd left me not even three days ago, which still wasn't fully healed.

"And?" I crossed my arms, half of it was trying to look more intimidating and the other was to stop my hands from shaking. "I see no problem. She was absolutely right." I said, point blank as I met his eyes; empty steel pits.

"Listen here you ungrateful brat," he bent down until I could feel his breath on my forehead, "you have nothing, in fact, you are nothing. So don't go around thinking you can talk to me like an equal. I'm your father Christ sake! That Sawamura fucker really doesn't see how goddamn pathetic you are, does he? 'Must be fucking stupid, what a son of a bitch." The way he spat every word only turned my fear into spite.

How dare he talk about Daichi that way? Honestly how dare he even show up here? I thought to myself.

"What are you even here for, Dad? I don't think you'd drive all the way here just to complain..." I rolled my eyes, knowing it would piss him off.


"I'm here to tell you that if you don't come back home as soon as they kick you out of here, you won't be welcome back ever again." He threatened menacingly.

For a split second, an image of the family I used to know popped into my head and it makes my heart ache. Their smiling faces were so bright and full of happiness; the perfect family. I'd like to think they truly loved me back then, but now, I can tell neither of my parents look at me with pride. All I see in their eyes is disdain.

"That... isn't a problem for me." I said, hesitating slightly as I raised a hand to his chest, pushing my father away, pushing him out of my life.

Wrong move. I say how his eyes blazed in rage. He snapped at my hand that was just hovering in mid air between us, grabbing it rough enough to leave a mark.

"Don't you DARE lay a finger on me!" He fumed, beginning to twist my wrist, contorting it inhumanly and painfully.

I winced, tears welling in my eyes from the pain, but didn't let that discourage me.

"What? Like you did me?!" I argued back, pointing to my lightly bruised cheek with my free hand.

"Why you little—" just as he pulled his other hand back to strike me, the door swung open violently, catching both of us off guard.

Daichi glared daggers at my father, just as he had done in the infirmary yesterday. He was breathing heavily, did he run here?

"Let go of him." He hissed through gritted teeth. I could practically see the vein in his neck pop.

"Excuse me?" My father spat, offended by the younger man.

"I said 'let go of him'. You need to leave before I call security." He was no taller than me, yet still seemed bigger than my father in muscle. "Better yet, leave before I call the police." The threat lingered in the air.

"He's my son! You don't get to kick me out of this room and—" he was once again interrupted.

"My family is paying his hospital bills, you know, the one you refused to even acknowledge? Meaning this room is under our authority, so it'd be in your best interest to get the hell out of here before I lose my last bit of patience." Daichi snapped at my father, full of anger and hatred.

Mr. Sugawara scoffed, looking between us accusingly, then made his way towards the door, only pausing to turn and look at me.

"Don't contact me or my wife again, well both leave the house tomorrow for work, collect your things, anything you leave is going in the bin. You aren't our son anymore, I didn't raise a f*ggot." He stated simply, then shut the door behind him.

I looked at Daichi, who was already looking at me, and we both relaxed for the first time in minutes.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Anyways I've been rolling this new idea in my head and wanted to know if you guys would be interested... I want to create a fairytale book where I'd have little mini series' about different haikyuu ships, it'd be retelling of different Disney movies or maybe even a few random one shots here and there... anyways let me know if you'd be interested and if so, what ship do I start with? I was thinking iwaoi, that's my favourite ship<3

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