- Found you

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WARNING: Contains thoughts of suicide and other triggering things , if you are easily triggered please click away. (This notion will be above every chapter)

Daichi's POV

I stood in the infirmary for another five minutes after the boy and his father left, still processing everything that had just happened a few minutes ago. Sugawara Koushi's father was... well, for lack of a more respectful term... an absolute fucking asshole. He even dragged the poor boy, who was still stumbling on his feet, and payed no concern to his paler than normal son. Also, not to mention everything my dearest best friend had just told me. I never knew he felt so disposable, and I couldn't believe he did, internally, I slapped myself for not realizing it sooner, for a while now, he'd been acting different but, I didn't really say anything. Now I wish I had. I grabbed my stuff and headed to second period, having already missed first, I planned on leaving to go talk to him as soon as lunch started.

I stood frozen in front of my locker, on the phone with my grey haired co-captain, blushing furiously as he confessed. It felt so right when he said those three little words. I wanted to tell him I felt the same. But, even though euphoria swelled in my chest, it was tainted by the tone of his talk. He was making it sound like this was his last chance to tell me. Then he begane making little sounds that told me he was holding back sobs. I started panicking with every second.

"Suga, what are you doing right now?" I asked innocently, in case I was just jumping to conclusions...

"Nothing important.." he continued to talk, but I wasn't listening. I ran out of the school, leaving my locker wide open and bumping into stangers in an attempt to get to him before he did anything stupid, before he could... my eyes watered at the thought, unable to even finish it.

Please Koushi, let me be wrong about this.

He hung up as I tried to continue our conversation, anything to keep him from hurting himself somehow. My lungs burned but I kept pumping my legs, sprinting non stop to get to him. It'd take about an hour if I kept sprinting. With shaking hands, I called over and over again, trying to get him to pick up. But it went to voicemail each time, so I called Kiyoko, who used her parents car to get to and from school. They were on a business trip and thankfully let her use it.

"Hello? Daichi? What do you need?" She questioned, as I didn't usually call her.

"I-I think Suga's in trouble." I said between pants and slowed harshly to a jog, "please, can you take me to his place?" I begged, desperately.

"Sure, are you at school? Meet me in the parking lot." She said, I heard the sound of a locker being closed.

"I'm not there I'm three blocks away, I was on foot, pick me up on your way please." I said, on auto pilot, most of my attention taken by the massive ball of nerves and anxiety building up in my gut.

I barely heard her mumble an acknowledgment, tears threatening my eyes. Not even five minutes later, I was in the car with our manager, speeding towards his house. I was shaking slightly, pleading with whatever god there was for him to be alright.

"What's wrong with Sugawara-San?" Kiyoko asked quietly.

"I'm..... trying not to jump to conclusions.. but let's just hope I'm wrong." I said grimly, darkening the mood further as we neared his neighborhood.

My knee bounced, it felt like this drive was taking forever, when it should've only been about fifteen minutes. I held my head in my hands and gripped my hair tightly, trying to calm down. We pulled into the driveway, toppling out of the car. I reached the door first and grabbed the spare key I knew they kept next to the porch steps. Slipping inside we both called out to him, wondering if we were completely wrong and he wasn't even here.

That's when we heard it.

A loud, agonizing cry of pain, a scream that stopped us both in our tracks to send shivers down both of our spines, a scream that belongs to my beloved friend.

Sharing a look, we sprinted to the upstairs bathroom, right next to his room. More cries came and went, so desperate and helpless you could feel the pain behind them.

"SUGA!" I banged on the door, hard, when it didn't opened.

He must've locked it.

Another scream came from right behind the door and I motioned for Kiyoko to back up. It took three kicks for the door to come off its hinges and open, which revealed a sight I wished to erase from my mind forever.

The boy I loved, lay in the middle of his bathroom, shaking violently, foaming at the mouth and surrounded by vomit. He was sweating profusely, twitching and pale. I basically threw myself at him with blurry eyes, quickly gathering him in my arms to reveal his eyes rolled back into their sockets.

Meanwhile, a horrified Kiyoko grabbed the nearly empty bottle of aspirin he must have taken, it was sitting lonely on the counter, almost taunting the collapsed boy from its vantage point.

"Car." Was all I could manage to utter before we ran to the vehicle and speed to the hospital frantically. She silently cried the whole ride as I tried to keep a limp Sugawara conscious. "Koushi, I'm here, it's me, Daichi. Can you hear me?" I was shocked by how calm and collected my voice sounded considering I was literally breaking inside as my heart broke with every red light we hit. Cupping his cheek every so often, I pulled our foreheads together, hyperventilating. "You're gonna be okay, Suga, you'll be alright. We're gonna be okay. You aren't going anywhere anytime soon and neither am I." I whispered soothingly, keeping the boy in my arms as he seized. I hugged him closer, as I stared down at him slightly, only one determined thought ran through my mind.

You are not going to die.

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