- Running Late

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WARNING: Contains thoughts of suicide and other triggering things , if you are easily triggered please click away. (This notion will be above every chapter)

The next morning I woke up late, happy the sleep deprived headache I had constantly these days was now gone. However, my stomach hurt from not eating, so I trudged to the kitchen and slipped a piece of toast before anyone could notice I was awake. Once I showered, I waltzed into my room, only then noticing the time. Shit I'm late! I thought, dashing out of the house without another thought.

Panting and red from running, I threw the gym doors open and hoped practice hadn't started yet.

"I'm here!" I screamed, well, tried to, but all that came out was a weak whisper that was too breathy to comprehend.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming." Daichi's stern yet friendly voice soothed. Suddenly I remembered our fight and dreaded looking up at him. With my hands on my knees, I apologized for being late, telling him how I overslept, it gave me an excuse to keep looking anywhere but at him.

"Suga, it's fine, we haven't even started warm up yet." I might have been imagining it, but there was an edge to him voice, it cause my anxiety to silently skyrocket.

"Sorry.." I mumbled, suddenly getting another of those familiar headaches that came when standing up too fast. My vision darkened and got blurry, my feet stumbled backwards and and I nearly fell down the stairs in front of the gym entrance.

All of this didn't faze me, as I was used to the dizziness, it usually went away after only about ten seconds, but the doctor said it could be worse if I continue to skip meals.

"Suga?" Daichi set his hand on my shoulder to steady me, "You alright?" I heard the concern in his voice, but I wasn't able to see it thanks to my basically pitch black vision.

My brain felt foggy and everything passed like static on a television. It had been about thirty seconds with the aching and dizziness only getting worse. I didn't remember closing my eyes, or the conversation me and my captain had just had, and I barely remembered rushing to school like a mad man, all the grogginess suddenly fell, leaving a blank, grey haired boy to fall face first into his crush, mumbling something quickly before passing out.

Daichi's POV
I set my hand on his shoulder after watching his feet faulted, he seemed a little out of it, but I didn't question anything considering he'd probably just ran from home without stopping. His cheeks were red, one more than the other but it wasn't my concern in that moment.

"Suga?" I asked, he looked up, not really making eye contact. He stared out to nothing in particular as his mouth opened like he wanted to speak, but nothing came out. His eyes fell shut and I thought he might still be upset about our fight yesterday, I still hadn't apologized for overreacting yet. Just as I was about to start talking, he beat me to it... sort of.

"Da.....Dai...chi.." he spoke under his breath, stuttering the syllables, before straight up collapsing into my chest.

At first my cheeks heated, thinking he was hugging me, but as he slumped down I quickly lifted him bridal style only to see he was out cold. Of course it was perfect timing for Tanaka and Nishinoya to come running from the club room after changing. They both stopped at the exact same time, smirking like idiots.

"Are we interrupting anything?" Noya started coyly.

"NOYA, mom and dad are having a moment!" Tanaka lightly slapped the shorter boys head before finally realizing that Suga was blacked out, probably after seeing the concerned look on my face. "What.. happened? Is he alright?" The bald boy quickly fixed his tone, now serious.

"He just... collapsed. I think he ran here?" I managed to get out, not only concerned but confused by something he said. "Did you call us mom and dad?" I said with a very obvious blush.

"Yeah! You know how like you're the team dad?" Noya said, giggling a little, I'd heard the dad joke before, but it still didn't make sense until he continued, "well Sugawara is always so motherly and stuff he litterally carries a first aid kit in his bag, and always checks up on us and is just so kind and you know!" By the end of his rant I was just staring at the angelic boy in my arms, unable to disagree with a word Nishinoya said.

"I'm going to take him to the infirmary, coach Ukai should be here, so tell him where we are, I'll be back as soon as I can be." I said, not waiting for an answer before hurrying off to the nurses office.

I couldn't seem to calm my racing heart after the mom and dad thing, I'm sure that isn't how they meant it but the idea of Suga and I being parents together had my heartbeat flying. He fit the bill so well, caring so much about the team and eceryone around him, I was always worried he forgot to take care of himself at times.

Ten minutes had passed, my grey haired best friend was in the infirmary, being looked after by the school nurse. She'd said I could head back to practice but I refused to leave, knowing Suga wouldn't like waking up in the room alone. Finally I was called back in and able to sit next to the setter as he slept on the little cot that sat in the corner of the small room. The woman stepped out for a minute, saying she had to attend a staff meeting, leaving me and Suga alone. I instinctively grabbed his hand, thinking nothing of it.

What the hell was that... Suga used to run to practice at least twice a month in our first year, (he had a bad habit of oversleeping). But he'd never passed out like this..

I thought about it, remembering how he seemed light as a feather in my arms as I jogged here.

Have you been eating enough...?

I made a mental note to ask him about it once he woke up, which thankfully, wasn't much later.

His eyelashes twitched a few time before fluttering open, I was watching outside the window as students started to arrive through the gates. I'd been idly drawing small circle on his wrist with my thumb.

"... Daichi?" He mumbled, catching my attention. But when I looked at him, I noticed a few things that clicked some puzzle peices together.

I saw, splayed over his left cheek, a red print that looked suspiciously like a hand... Suga was hiding a few things, and I intended to find out what.

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