- What I Want

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No trigger warning?? Is it the calm before a storm filled with fluff that may make you cry??? Who knows??

You guys have been making me feel super motivated and I plan on starting that Haikyuu x Disney crossover book soon! Anyway enjoy!

I sighed, letting my head fall into my hands. Every muscle in my body was vibrating with adrenaline, I began trembling a little bit. Nerves and frustration combined, leaving me a panicked mess. My fathers last few words lingered in my mind, taunting me with warped perception.

'You aren't our son anymore' he said.

I was disowned by the family that once promised to love and support me no matter what. I hated them, but I hated myself more for still loving them.

He's right, you're so pathetic, the voice in my head rang with malice. I stared down at my hands in defeat, feeling a few tears spring to my eyes. God can't you go one day without crying? Squeezing my eyes shut, I blocked everything out, trying with the last of my strength to ignore that voice. It wasn't working well, I kept crying until a pair of hands cupped my face, making me look up.

Daichi stood in front of me, smiling softly as the pads of his thumbs brushed my cheekbones, swiping away a few tears. I tried to smile back at him only to fail miserably.

"It's alright sugar," the pet name left butterflies in my stomach, "he's gone and he's not coming back." Daichi's face grew serious. He lowered himself to be level with me, nearly kneeling on the ground, "now you've gotta tell me, did you dad give you this bruise on your face?" He asked.

I nodded, without meeting his eyes, feeling ashamed for some reason that I couldn't fight back. I knew it wasn't my fault but that little voice kept repeating otherwise. I must've given away my thoughts through my face considering what he responded with.

"It's not your fault that your dads an asshole. And just because your mom seemed okay with it all doesn't mean it's right." He reassured me.

I then felt something soft pressing lightly between my eyebrows, lingering only for a moment before pulling back. Daichi had kissed my forehead and I could no longer process anything. My cheeks heated, leaving me a flustered, blubbering mess. I was suddenly now aware of our compromising position; his hands cradling my head, our faces barely five inches apart. If it was possible, my blush got redder and when my eyes finally met his, I was surprised to find his own cheeks dusted pink.

"Am I interrupting something?" A woman's warm voice startled us both.

"MOM!" Daichi screeched, now red as a tomato.

I laughed, watching the both of them whisper to each other. Well, Daichi was more or less whisper-yelling.

"Oh, that's right!" He said suddenly, picking up a food bag from the ground, "you need to eat!" He practically shoved the bag onto my lap, plopping down next to me and beginning to take stuff out of the bag. "Damn it, I must've dropped my food while running back here, I'll be right back." Daichi noted before getting back up.

"Why were you running around in a hospital?" His mother asked, raising an eyebrow at her son.

"I'll explain," I started just before he could respond, "you go get your food, you haven't eaten anything either!" I scolded him, smiling cheekily.

"Fine, but you start eating." Raising both his hands in mock-surrender, he backed out of the room, rolling his eyes and laughing.

"So... what happened?" Asami smiled kindly, taking a seat next to me.

"Ah, um, my dad visited." I pressed my lips together, staring down at the red fingerprints on my wrist, "it's fine though, Daichi got him to leave." I told her.

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