Pt 10

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"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked you, he noticed yoongi.

"Tae-Taehyung I told her to come here" Jimin makes his way in the basement.

"You what?" He yelled.

"Get out now" He glared at you.

"I - I don't want to" you stutter.

He walked towards you, as he leaned closer "if you don't do as I say, things can get worst, if you want your little boyfriend to get out of this house alive then do as I say" he whispered.

You didn't responded, you just nodded.

"Good girl"

Yoongi noticed him flirting with you, he glared at him without saying anything.

You walked out, making your way to the kitchen to grab something to drink so you could calm down a little, Jimin followed.

"What is he going to do to him?" You asked him while pouring some juice in a cup.

"Uh- i have no idea, should we watch a movie instead?" He replied.

Is he serious right now? I -

"You're actually annoying" you stated.

He chuckled "y/n , I promise he won't hurt him, he's probably just talking to him that's all"

"I guess if you say so" you went on. Walking towards the sofa, Jimin sat next to you.

He grabbed the remote looking for a movie to watch.

Taehyung's POV-

I glared at him out of the corner of my eye, I can't believe y/n still has feelings for this idiot. I won't hesitate to pull the trigger and kill him. He's there all weak yet he lets out a chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"I can't believe you're still doing this"

"She's mine, she always have been" I replied.

"As much as she hates me right now, she never stopped loving me" He growled.

I walked towards him punching him on the face.

"Didn't you see the red marks on her neck? Who do you think it was?" I punched him one more time.

He gave me a death stare, as his breathing became heavily. "Remove this shit away from me, are you still waiting for her to kill me?" He spits out.

"Mmh not sure yet, should I make you suffer a little more?" I started to circled around him.

"Kill me then, if that's what you wanted all this time" he spits out.

"That won't be fun" I chuckled.

"First tell me what where you doing in her neighborhood?" I questioned him.

"Why where you there? Why do you know her address?" He replied.

"Well, since you were dead already, I thought maybe after all this time, I could finally-"

"Finally what? A chance with her?" He lets out a giggle.

"Listen Taehyung, I won't let you hurt her anymore, if I was in her neighborhood, is because I was looking for her to apologize, but then one of your stupid people kidnapped me" He went on.

I tried to calm down, not punching him anymore "listen I made love to her yesterday, as soon as we left" I smirked. His facial expression changed.

"No you didn't" He denied.

"Mhh, think what ever you want, I'll stop bothering you for now" I left, slamming the door.


He walked out annoyed as he noticed, Jimin and y/n sleeping on the couch, Jimin was leaning over her shoulder. He quickly walked towards them removing his head away from her.

*the door bell rang*

He quickly opened the door, as a guy walked in.

"Oh Mr. Kim, come in please" He smiled.

It was the same guy, who kidnapped Yoongi. He walks in taking a seat in the couch as he observed Jimin an y/n in the couch. "Love birds" He chuckled.

"What?" Taehyung asked confused while he poured wine in a glass.

"Well, I think Jimin finally fell for someone, look how he hugs her" He pointed at them.

Taehyung's eyes widened open as he noticed that Jimin was hugging y/n. He walked to the living room, giving Mr.Kim the glass of wine, as he pushes Jimin harshly away from her, Jimins eyes open up and he let a yawn out. "Yah! What's wrong with you idiot?" He stands up, and he noticed Mr.Kim " oh Mr.Kim, nice to see you again" He says as he bowed.

He chuckled "nice to see you again Jimin"

"Let's go talk in the office, y/n is asleep I don't want to wake her up" Taehyung announced as they both followed him to the office.

"That's great Mr.Kim I'm glad you're making your own company now" Jimin announced.

"We should throw a party" Jimin announced, Taehyung gave him a confused face.

"That's a great idea Jimin, why don't we do the party here" He replied.

"I don't thi-" Taehyung was interrupted by Jimin.

"That's a great idea, let's make it tomorrow" Jimin smiled.

"Deal" He thanked Jimin and walked out.

Taehyung waited for him to leave. "What the fuck are you thinking? We can't make a party here" He grumbled.

"Relax, is just a party there won't be a lot of-"

"I don't care how much people comes, we can't make a party here, when we kidnapped two people" Running his fingers through his hair he started getting nervous.

"I have an idea" Jimin smiled.

"I mean Mr. Kim thinks I'm dating y/n- so we just have to act like we're dating" He smirked.

"I guess you could do that, but don't try kissing her or I else I'll ripped your face" He huffed.

"I have to, to make it more real-"

"Shut up Jimin"

" I don't know about yoongi though, we can't keep him in there forever, he could die, we haven't even feed the poor dude" He was concerned.

"Leave it to me" Taehyung smirked.


He walked to the basement giving Yoongi a glared.

"I hope you do as I say, or else you'll be in trouble" Taehyung suggested.

Yoongi finally stand up and started to eat. "There's clothes in  there, go shower and change, I'm warning you again if you try to do something I'll kill you" Taehyung glared at him closing the door.

"Jimin I'll be right back, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Taehyung announced as he walked out. Jimin quickly scanned the room, checking if yoongi was near y/n. He wasn't, so he quickly ran to the restroom.

Yoongi quickly got out of the room, walking to the living room he noticed y/n sleeping on the couch. He admires her, he got closer touching her hair softly, as his eyes focused on her lips. He took a deep breath as his lips smashes hers. "I love you" He mumbled.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Jimin growled, and yoongi took a step back, y/n wake up because of Jimins yelled.


A/n : I just noticed I wrote this part as the author- sorry for that.

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