Pt 13

399 18 35


Y/n POV-

I wasn't completely sleeping, when I heard someone walked in the room. I tried not to panic and i acted like I was asleep, but then I heard the person whispered. 'How can anyone look this beautiful, while sleeping' i heard yoongi's voice. I was about to open my eyes, but I didn't, thinking he was about to leave. He then laid next to me. That's when I pushed him away. "What are you doing here?" I shouted.

"Uh- y/n, are you feeling better?" He mumbled.

"I'm fine, you should leave"

"No- I want to talk to you" He got closer to me but I stand up.

"I don't want to hear it, now leave before I call Taehyung" I was about to open the door, when he stopped me. He closes the door shut. "Just let me explain"

I took a deep breath and walked back to the bed to take a seat. "Fine" i mumbled. He sat next to me and he places his hand on my shoulder. "Y/n - that night, when Taehyung shot me, all that I remember, was me seeing blurry until I hit the ground. I woke up in a room, Jimin was next to me. They let me heal for a couple of days, after that, they dropped me off in the middle of nowhere." I looked at him confused. He continued. "He told me to never look for you again, since you thought I was dead-" He took a second to breathe but he proceeds. "He threatened me, if I ever looked for you he will kill you, I - I didn't wanted that so I did as he said" He stutter as tears started running fast down his face. "I tried moving on, by moving into a different city, I couldn't- so I started writing in this journal everyday, as if I talked to you everyday, even though you weren't there, I acted like you was, I expressed my feelings to that Journal. Until the pain became deeper, I decided to look for you, that's when Taehyung kidnapped me again" He finished off by wiping his tears off his face. I stayed quiet, I didn't know what to say- all this time, he also felt how I did.

"Yoongi- I - I'm so sorry" I cried out. "I - I don't know what to say" He gave me a slight smile pulling me closer into a hug. "You don't know have to say anything" he chuckled.

"I never stopped loving you" He whispered. I hugged him even more tighter. "Neither did I" I cried out.

We both laid in the bed as he wrapped me in his arms. " do you think they'll notice we're gone?" He whispered. " I don't think so, there's a lot of people" I stated. "Well yeah, but Taehyung is trying to hit on you, He has feelings for you y/n"

Fuck - then I remember what happened a few days ago-

"Uh yoongi, actually I- I - well , that day when I saw you for the first time, I didn't know how to react, so I ran to Taehyung's car- then he drove me to this place and well- He" I stutter.

He quickly stands up giving me a serious look. "He what? DID HE RAPED YOU?" He yelled out.

"NO NO HE DIDN'T" I replied back standing up too.

"Then what happened?" He pouted.

"Well uh, I - we had se-"

"Don't say it" He put his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize" He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. His mouth moves closer to my ear. "I've missed you, let me make love to you" his hot breath passed through my ear, filling my body with chills. His lips touches mines as he guided me to the bed. He pressed his body on mines, my tongue connected with his. He un clips my bra leaving small pecks on my stomach. "You're beautiful" He removes his pants and pushes his body onto mine. I could feel his hard member. He was about to enter me when I stopped him. "What -what's wrong? Did you- AH FUCK" I got on top of him riding him slowly. "Fuck" he moans. I move back and forth, He didn't stop moaning from my pleasure. The room was filled with moaning sounds.


"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you too" i replied back.

" I should leave, before they noticed I'm gone" He tried standing up, but I grabbed his wrist pulling him back down. "Please don't" i pouted.

"Babe, we will get in trouble, if they noticed I'm here with you" He got closer giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Why can't we just run away? I mean there's a party downsta-" I stopped talking when I heard gunshots downstairs, people screaming. Yoongi quickly grabbed me, protecting me.

"What the fuck? What's happening?" He shouted.

"I - I - don't know"

"Y/n , we need to get out of here now" He stand up walking towards the door. I nodded and followed him. He slowly opened the door, people running everywhere. We slowly walked downstairs, when someone shoot closely to me. Yoongi threw me to the ground. "Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"I'm fine, let's just get out" I gave him a slight smile.

Everything went quite, there was too many dead people on the ground, We both slowly walked downstairs seeing the door open, we ran outside.

A white van was outside of the house we quickly hide behind a tree, we see a man taller than Taehyung, he had a black outfit with a mask covering his face. I noticed Taehyung and Jimin inside of the white van. They were both beaten up, tied up in the van. I let out a small gasped.

Yoongi grabbed my wrist. " this way" he said pointing to the other side.

We were in the middle of nowhere- a bunch of trees everywhere, it was dark so we could barely see anything. "I don't think, nobody lives near" I stated. "Is okay, we'll find help, at least we're together now, that's all it matters" he smiled.

We kept walking but the road only became longer, there was no cars, no houses, no stores. Everything was empty. "We should rest here" Yoongi pointed at a bench who was under a tree.

"I'm scared, what if someone see us?" I said nervously. He chuckled. "No one would find us, let's rest now" He smiled, giving me his jacket. He sat in the bench and I laid on his knees.

I finally was with him, after all this time- nothing mattered at that moment , I felt so safe around him.


"We found them" I heard a deep voice mumbled behind us, I quickly got up, but someone covered my mouth. "Yoongi" I tried screaming.

"Get your dirty hands off her" yoongi shouted.

That's all I remember.

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