Life To Me

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// real quick thing in this story George is not colorblind so yeah he can see color //


One thing I hated in life was waking up before my alarm went off.
"6:13am..damn," I sighed as I got out of bed. Swinging my legs just over the edge of my bed my feet barely touching the floor. Thinking to myself, "I guess now that i'm up i should go check on nick."

During college I made friends with this kid named Nick we actually shared quite a bit of things in common mainly one of them being we loved to play Minecraft together on our free time and I would always annoy him about his old username though, Pandas, I know funny right. He asked me to help him change it and I said to just flip it upside down and switch the sides of it so he did and what came out of it was the name Sapnap. after college we decided to move in together get a small apartment so that way we could be close because I got to admit he's my best friend.

Though I will say after a few months of living together he got a new job, and I was happy for him but he would act weird and still does I've tried asking him about it and he just tells me what he does for his work is stressful. Now I didn't  know what that means exactly so I just brushed it off and decided not to worry about it. Though other then that he's a pretty cool guy.

As I got off my bed my feet touched the cold ground and started heading to Nicks room.
"Hey Nick you awake ye-" he wasn't there. I got out my phone fast and started texting him.

"nick where the fuck are you!"
5 mins later-
"nick I swear to god if you don't answer me in the next 5 minutes i'm calling you."
When Nick got his new job he told me one thing.. to never call him when he's at work and when I mean never I mean never. I don't know why but he never gave me a reason. And you may be thinking, oh it's not a big deal he's just late coming home, no, not Nick he's never late never once was.

4 mins later-
a text.
from nick.
"hey George i'm sorry i'm just caught up at work but i'll be home around 10 tonight, okay.?"
"NO, it's not okay your going to explain why you never called or texted, your going to explain it ALL, do you understand."

I know it seems like I'm over reacting but I'm not I have a reason to why I'm so mad I just never told anyone because it hurts to much.

1 minute later-

"Look George I know your upset but please i need you to just chill i don't know why your acting like this man."

Now thinking about it maybe I should tell him what happened, what happened to my mother, what happened to me.

{hey so this one is a bit long but still going to keep pushing for them to be longer. thank you so much and I love you all so very much stay safe loves<3} {OH and will be doing/trying to do daily updates, thank you again!!}

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