Taking a Liking To

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// for people who want to know the characters ages here you go!
oh and if any new side characters I'll be sure to let you know their age! <3 //

Dream POV

I didn't mind carrying him, I knew that he was hurt pretty bad and this is all happening so fast for him. I just can't help but feel..sad for him. I know he no longer has a family, doesn't know his past and really only has one good friend and of course that friend was Sapnap. He's been after me for years and about 2 years ago after I killed the Leader of their Organization. He brought someone new along with him, Badboyhalo or Bad for short. They've only ever been close to catching me a few times, cornering me setting traps..but still never did. I know Sapnap and George are close so i'm just hoping nothing goes wrong because I'm sure Sapnap is going to try 10x harder to catch me.

While lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize that the small Burnett in my arms woke up.


He kicked me and making it a hard enough kick to get me to fall to the ground. As I was getting up he started running as fast as he could while still being hurt. I ran after him only a couple feet away all of a sudden I heard someone talking, as the voice became more clear I realized it wasn't just any voice. Sapnap. He was here along with Bad. I pushed myself a bit more to be a bit faster so I could catch George.

"Gotcha you little shit."


I quickly whipped out my dagger and held it to his neck. And moved me and him to hide behind a tree.

"If you don't shut the fuck up right now i'll have to cut this pretty little neck of yours. Now I know you don't want that so be a good little boy and stay quiet."

He went completely still and I was listening to the voices. Once I could no longer hear them I lowered the knife and turned George around.


He had tears in his eye but he didn't really look scared, but more panicky.

"George, hey it-it's ok."

He was in tears, crying really hard now, his eyes were a bit red and his breathing had gone unsteady, he was really shaking now. I didn't know what to do so without thinking I pulled him into my arms. I held him so tight, I didn't want to let go. This felt..nice yeah nice. I don't know if it's because of George or because I've never really hugged people.
Growing up I didn't have much of a family my father died before I was born. My mother well she was ill for half my life. She was the only person I ever cared about, I know it sounds kinda sappy and all but when I lost her I was alone. Sacred. I was probably around the age of 14 when I was taken in by my now so called Boss. He took me under his wing, said he'd train me, teach me how to fight, show me how to use weapons. And in some ways he was like a father to me not biologically though but he cared for me, I trust him with my life.

After a few minutes of trying to calm George down he finally did. His breathing became normal but his voice was still a bit shaking.

"d-dream *hic*.."

Omg. He- he said it, for the first time he said my name.

"..Y-yeah George.."

He held me tighter, I felt hot, my cheeks were warm and pinkish. I felt like there were a thousand butterflies in my stomach. Whatever this feeling is...I like it.

"please don't let *hic* go.."

I felt a smile come across my face and it was a real smile this time.

"I wont."

"hey dream.."

He said it, again. I feel like I could hear him say it all the time and never get tired of it.


"thank you."

I slowly felt his arms loosen around my waist and drop to the sides. If you were close enough you could hear small snores. And for me I was close. He has the most beautiful lips and hair an-and face. I reached my hand up and cupped his cheek. I took my mask off and just looked at him dead on. He was asleep and no one was around so it was ok. With a low quiet voice I spoke.

"God, what the hell are you doing to me George."

I carefully picked him up again, carrying him bridal style and continued the long walk to the base. But for some reason I had second thoughts. Why the hell am I now getting second thoughts about this now. I don't understand, why am I acting like this. I can't like him, can I, he'd never feel the same way. I took him from his friends, his life, his future, I hurt him and now I think I may be starting to like him. God what the hell is wrong with me.

Nick POV

"Bad they have to be close."

"SAP, over here!"

I ran over to him. He was standing in a old cave.

"What, did you find something?" I said while running to him.


I took a step inside to only be greeted with an old burnt out campfire, some old food crumbs and bloody bandages.
I walked over and bent down to pick up the bandages that were lying on the floor.

"They were here, come on."  I walked out the cave bad followed along behind me. Then I heard something, I think...


I listened

"What, did you hear something?"

I kept listening

"Sap, hey?"

"Hmm?" Turning my head back towards Bad.

"I asked did you hear something?"

I looked back out into the forest.

"I swear I heard something..." Nothing was there, "I guess not."

"Ok well we have to keep searching..let's go try over there."

I stayed still for a second hoping to hear a sound, but nothing, there was nothing and no one else around. To be honest I'm probably just hearing things from all this stress.

"Sap you coming?"

Oh well.

"Yeah, coming!"

We will find you George, I promise.

{please know that if anything in this story makes you uncomfortable please do not continue to read!! Also how do y'all feel about me maybe writing some smut??? let me know in the comments and dm me some ideas if you'd like! thank you loves! 1K READS POG!!THANK YOU YOU ALL SO MUCH I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU<33}

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