My Name

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George POV

God my head hurts so bad. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was in an old abandoned house of some sort. What happened?
A person suddenly appeared leaning on the doorway to the room I was in but it was to dark to see them, the only light in the room was the one above me.

"Oh good, your wake."

It's the same voice I heard before.

"Who are you, why am I here." I said in a steady voice to not appear scared by the person.

"Aw straight into the questions" walking towards me they pulled out a chair and sat in front of me.

"Hello George."

How did he..

"How the hell do you know my nam-" As I tried to move, I couldn't, realizing I was tied up to a chair. Though I still tried to get out but I couldn't. Then the man in front of me started laughing.

"HAHA you really think you can get out.." he stood up looking at me " can't."
He then grabbed a knife and stabbed the side of my stomach, not to kill me but to really hurt me.


I screamed in pain as he took the knife out and grabbed my chin with his other hand.

"The names Dream."

I felt faint. There was blood coming out my side and a lot of it. In the span of a minute I fainted.

When I woke up again I had some bruises and a couple scratches on me. Though when I looked at my wound it was stitched and bandaged up. Looking down at it I heard footsteps walk in.

"I brought you some food and water."

I stayed quiet. Not wanting to answer.

"Look, I had to hurt you up a bit so that way I know you can't run far and-"

I cut him off talking very quietly, "how do you know my name" I know he heard me because he stopped talking and only looking at me. So I looked up at him, he wore a lime green sweatshirt and some black jeans and..and a smiley face mask. He then turned around and left saying nothing. I still wanted to know, and I will, I will find out. But till then I just wanted to go back to sleep to try and get some energy back.

Nick POV

"I knew this would happen, I fucking knew it Bad!"

"LANGUAGE please Sapnap, will find him."

So you probably already know who I am but if not I secretly worked for the Manhunt Organization Leader Group while being roommates and friends with The heir to the Organization. Now at first I just did it to protect George because I knew one day he'd find out the truth. His mother died almost 2 years ago and his father left him and disappeared leaving George on his own. When George's father left him he was 18 making George 20 now. Meaning this year he could take over as Leader. The current Leader was very good friends with George's mother so a few years back she told Wilbur (the current leader of the organization) that if she ever died before her son was 20 that he could take over until the time came for her son to take leadership.

"Bad I don't know what to do he's gone, he's gone.."

Bad was one of my other really good friends, we worked together for some time becoming best friends.

"Look Sap we need to think..or we could just wait till something comes in.?"



I turned around with anger.

"WHAT Now..Wilbur.."

Will stood at the doorway to where me and Badwere. He then walked in. Placing a hand on my shoulders, looking at the tears in my eyes that I didn't even know were there.

"I know you're worried, I'm worried too. I made a promise Nick, I promised his mother that no harm would come to him.." Wilbur sounded a bit shaky, then cleared his voice.

"But now's not the time to be mad at yourself. What happened, happened. Though what you do right now is what matters most you can't change the past you can only learn from it, okay."

He was right.

"Nick look at me"

I slowly looked up at him.

"We're going to find him, now he may be hurt but not dead, they took him for reason and we're going to get him back. Alive."

"o-ok." I managed to say.

The rest of the night we spent looking over info and talking to our inside men. They told us that the most likely place they would take George would be back to their base. Thankfully on mine and Bads recent chase we discovered the other side's headquarters.

While me and Bad were discussing our next course of action, Wilbur walked in again.

"Hey Nick..Um I was just informed that the person who has taken George was...Dream."

I felt frozen. Dream was not a person to mess with and if he has taken George...



"Pack everything you need, we're leaving."

And with that the hunt has begun. We're coming to find you Dream and this time we will catch you.

Breaking Down and Up. // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now