Please Be a Dream

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Nick is almost home, I was trying to figure out how and what to tell him to be honest I don't know if he'll believe me. No he has to what I saw happened it happened and there was nothing I could do about it. God but I could've done something I could've saved her why I don't understand, why, why, why, w-


He's home.
"Ok George you have some explaining to do and you better tell me the fucking truth on why your acting like this." Nick talked with anger in his voice walking over towards me on the couch.
Though that word truth. He was telling me to tell HIM the truth?!

"Tell YOU the TRUTH on why I was so scared of you being late getting home, the TRUTH on why I never told you or anyone about my mother. The truth on why i'm so scared you won't ever be coming back home at night." I started crying holding my hands up to my eyes waiting for him to say something, anything.

"George look at me."

I was shaking I was so worried I just felt frozen not knowing what was coming next.

"I- I know about your mother George."


"I know- I know what happened to her."

I whispered under my breath, "no"

"George please.."

"No" I said a bit louder.

"George just listen please there ar-"

"NO!" I yelled cutting him off,


"Don't fucking talk to me. I gotta get some fresh air." I said in a more clam toned voice now.

"I'm coming."

I was just walking to the door. "no."

"yes I am it's dark out."

"I don't care just leave me alone."
he grabbed me by the arm.

"George please listen."

"I said no." yanking my arm from his grip. Opening the door to look back at him with tears in his eyes but more in mine.
I looked back ahead and closed the door.

I don't know really know where I was but I didn't really care all that much. There was only one thing on my mind and that's Nick and how he knew my mother or in-fact actually knows what happened to her, but how. It didn't make sense, I was the only person who knew. I had told my father that she just left us and wasn't coming back. And i didn't have any siblings so i didn't have to worry about that. And there was no reasons to tell my friends. But how did Nick know how did he-

All my thoughts went still. Someone was behind me. Not only that they grabbed me so fast and put something over my mouth. My world was quickly becoming more darker. I tried to kicked. I tried to scream back but the person holding me was stronger and taller and held the cloth over my face pretty strongly. Then I felt weird, I was getting tired and fast. My last few attempts at freedom were to try and pull the cloth away from my mouth. I pinched and scratched and then my last attempt I elbowed them pretty hard so that the person holding me let go. I was free...Oh no now I was feeling way to tired to even move and I knew one more step and I'd be out. So I stayed still looking at the person who did this with my half closed tired eyes. Suddenly the person talked in a low intimidating voice that kinda startled me.

"You can fight. huh, good to know but sadly for you your looking a bit to sleepy to keeping fighting."

In a matter of a second after they finished talking I felt myself fall and I was out like a light. I wanted to wake up and fight but i couldn't, it all felt fuzzy and strange like a dream I can't wake up from. Oh I wished it was just a dream..please be a dream.

Breaking Down and Up. // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now