Its a Feeling

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George POV

I was warm. I felt at peace like nothing could ever hurt me. That's when I opened my eyes and looked up, Dream. Dream was carrying my again I felt a panic coming on but then I remembered. He held me, I felt safe in his arms before, though I don't know why. He was holding a knife to my literal throat! I should be scared, afraid, anything but feeling safe. But I wasn't, when he was hugging me I felt protected. I Want to feel like that again.
Slowly I wrapped my arms around his waist. He was slightly startled by this but then looked down at me. I was hiding my face in his chest that way he couldn't see the slight blush starting to appear. And what I didn't know was he had a bit of a blush growing across his face as well.

We stayed like this for a few minutes, but all of a sudden he stopped walking. Removing my arms from his waist.

" you able to walk on your own?"

I wonder why he was asking he seemed alright with me hugging, why the sudden change.

"Um yeah I believe so." I answered truthfully.

Once I said that he gently put me down so I was standing on my feet.

"you sure you're alright to be walking?"

I wanted to say no so I could go back to being in his arms.

"yeah i'm fine." but I didn't .

As we continued to walk I just started thinking to myself.
"did I make him uncomfortable" I hoped not, " I feel so embarrassed" True, "am I really starting to like this guy" I think so, "I can't like him, I can't feel anything for him, after everything he's done to me, take me, hurt me, and soon he's going to kill me."


I snapped out of my thoughts.


"We should stop here for the night it's getting dark."

I looked up at the sun watching it start to set. Then looked back down at Dream.


"I'm gonna set up camp and make us some food."

And with that he turned and walked away going a little farther into the forest to pick up some twigs for the fire.
I just sat down and waited.

Soon he returned with some sticks and twigs using them to make a campfire.

It was too quiet and dream was staring at me looking like he wanted to say something and soon he did.

"Why did you hug me."


"Why did you hug me?"

"Because you were carrying me.."
"..And besides if you didn't like me hugging you why didn't you say something at first?!"

He didn't respond

"Why Dream?"

Still nothing

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

Him not responding was really starting to piss me off.



I heard a small voice come out of his mouth, "stop"
I didn't.

"WHY DREAM?" raising my voice a little


he got up so fast and pushed me down on the ground pining me to the floor.

"I said, stop."

"i'm not gonna stop until you answer me," "why."

"George I would seriously stop if I were you."

This was kind of fun..I wonder how long this can go on for.

"Why dr-"

This was the last thing I expected. He lifted his mask up a bit to show only his mouth again.

And kissed me.

I wanted to kiss back but my body felt frozen.
He pulled away and got up walking back over to the spot he was in.

I sat up once again just looking at him, still in shock from what had just happened.

"i-i'm sorry."

He laid down and turned over so his back was facing me. I just stared for a second at him, then doing the same thing he did, laying down turning my back towards him.
But I couldn't really sleep. I just kept thinking about that kiss and without even realizing it there was a small smile starting to appear on my face. And right behind me there was a cute guy doing and thinking the exact same thing.

{loves this is INSANE! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE RECENT SUPPORT, I NEVER THOUGHT THIS MANY PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY LIKE THIS STORY! at first it was just for fun but now i've made a whole story line beginning and to end, and I can't wait for you all to read it! thanks again and I love you ALL SO much!!!<33}

Breaking Down and Up. // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now